cncf / cartografos

The Cartografos working group aims to provide tools to help adopters and end-users to navigate the CNCF landscape and the wider cloud native ecosystem.
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Website footer copyright text issue #65

Open node opened 7 months ago

node commented 7 months ago

In website/layouts/partials/footer.html, there is a copyright text segment:

<div class="copyright py-2">
                                &copy; {{ now.Year}} The CNCF Authors | Documentation
                                Distributed under CC BY 4.0</small>

but in i18n/en.toml ,also has the same info as following

other = " | Documentation Distributed under CC-BY-4.0"

When we plan to localize website, actually the value of "footer_all_rights_reserved" is not effective.

Advised solution:
Use dynamic variable in website/layouts/partials/footer.html instead of static text.

kumarankit999 commented 7 months ago

Can you share Us the URL of that Page, or can also share SS of that. We can Understand by that more!!

node commented 7 months ago

Home page's footer for example:

Footer source files:

krumware commented 7 months ago

Maybe this can be introduced into your translation PR as an example as well. Can it be added as a conditional, where the translated copyright will be used if the translation exists, but fall back to the English copyright until the translations can be updated?

node commented 7 months ago

It's sure . We can set English as default value while no other translation exists.

Also it's better submit another PR to improve this.