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Kubeflow Testing Infrastructure #152

Closed mameshini closed 2 years ago

mameshini commented 3 years ago

Please fill out the details below to file a request for access to the CNCF Community Infrastructure Lab. Please note that access is targeted to people working on specific open source projects; this is not designed just to get your feet wet. The most important answer is the URL of the project you'll be working with. If you're looking to learn Kubernetes and related technologies, please try out Katacoda.

First and Last Name

Igor Mameshin



Kubeflow On-prem SIG Agile Stacks

Job Title

Tech lead of Kubeflow On-prem SIG

Project Title (i.e., summary of what do you want to do, not what is the name of the open source project you're working with)

Kubeflow test infra

Briefly describe the project (i.e., what is the detail of what you're planning to do with these servers?)

Kubeflow is an open source Kubernetes-native Machine Learning platform. It is designed to enable end-to-end machine learning workflows - for example, data processing with Python, model training with TensorFlow, and model serving with KFServing. The goal of this project is to implement daily E2E tests of Kubeflow release on Equinix Metal to test on-prem deployment scripts for Kubeflow.

Is the code that you’re going to run 100% open source? If so, what is the URL or URLs where it is located? What is your association with that project?

Yes the code is 100% open source I am one of the project maintainers/tech leads, and applying on behalf of Kubeflow on-prem SIG.

What kind of machines and how many do you expect to use (see:

2 worker nodes of kind c3.small.x86 if using a shared CI/CD environment 1 master and 3 workers of of kind c3.small.x86 if using dedicated Kubernetes cluster

What operating system and networking are you planning to use?

Ubuntu 18.04

Any other relevant details we should know about?

As discussed with @vielmetti, in phase 2 we can add support for testing on GPUs.

vielmetti commented 3 years ago

cc @caniszczyk @idvoretskyi @pritianka @taylorwaggoner

I talked to @mameshini last week and have plans to join in the weekly sig-onprem call for Kubeflow on Friday. I don't see any problems with providing the equipment, and it may make sense to engage the CNCF CI team since that project feels like ti's a direct match for these requirements.


taylorwaggoner commented 3 years ago

@caniszczyk can we please get your +1? thanks!

caniszczyk commented 3 years ago


idvoretskyi commented 3 years ago

Awesome, I'll follow up on this.

vielmetti commented 3 years ago

Attn @castrojo

fkautz commented 3 years ago

Non binding +1

Kubeflow is critical infrastructure for many AI/ML pipelines. Given the nature of what kubeflow does, a proper community owned CI/CD will be extremely helpful in ensuring the long term health of the project.

idvoretskyi commented 3 years ago

@mameshini invite sent!

mameshini commented 3 years ago

Thank you, I received the invite and created an account. We are now going to discuss how to create K8S cluster with Istio.

catblade commented 3 years ago

@caniszczyk Request for myself and @jtfogarty to be added. We are part of kubeflow on-prem and would like to work with @mameshini to get this running.

@idvoretskyi how can we get access?

idvoretskyi commented 3 years ago

@catblade I think @mameshini should be able to add you directly.

If not, let me know.

catblade commented 3 years ago

@idvoretskyi He was not, and did try.

idvoretskyi commented 3 years ago

@mameshini can you please approve this?

mameshini commented 3 years ago

I approve adding @jtfogarty and @catblade as additional users. I could not do via self-service console.

idvoretskyi commented 3 years ago

@jtfogarty and @catblade, please let me know your email addresses, and I'll invite you.

jtfogarty commented 3 years ago

@idvoretskyi did you get my slack message?

idvoretskyi commented 3 years ago

@jtfogarty I don't think so - on which Slack? Feel free to DM me on CNCF Slack or email me directly :)

jtfogarty commented 3 years ago

ah, I DMed you on kubeflow Slack

tbaums commented 3 years ago

hey @idvoretskyi - just pinged you on slack. I'm co-chair of KF sig-onprem. Can I get access to our testing resources pls? I'll dm you on slack with my email.

davidspek commented 3 years ago

Hi @idvoretskyi just like @tbaums I just pinged you on Slack with my email with regards to access to Equinix Metal.

vielmetti commented 2 years ago

Hi @idvoretskyi - @catblade reached out to me to request that @keithmattix be added to the project.

idvoretskyi commented 2 years ago

Invite sent!

idvoretskyi commented 2 years ago

Closing this one, feel free to email me directly if anyone else should be added.