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Machine request for Tremor benchmarking #160

Closed anupdhml closed 2 years ago

anupdhml commented 3 years ago

First and Last Name

Anup Dhamala




Job Title

Staff Engineer

Project Title (i.e., summary of what do you want to do, not what is the name of the open source project you're working with)

Tremor benchmarking infrastructure

Briefly describe the project (i.e., what is the detail of what you're planning to do with these servers?)

We would like to run various Tremor benchmarks periodically and use results from them to reliably measure how Tremor’s performance varies as we introduce new changes to the project.

The setup will be initially useful to catch any performance regressions that may occur between Tremor releases, and over time, it can evolve to do the same on pull requests. We run different classes of checks/tests as part of our CI workflow already, which is powered by github actions. But for something like benchmarking, we would love to utilize a bare-metal setup like the one CNCF cluster provides, so that we have a more consistent environment to run the tests repeatedly (as opposed to a VM-based setup that services like github actions provide by default).

Is the code that you’re going to run 100% open source? If so, what is the URL or URLs where it is located? What is your association with that project?

I am one of the maintainers of the project.

What kind of machines and how many do you expect to use (see:

1 c3.small.x86

What operating system and networking are you planning to use?

A Linux OS (likely Ubuntu or Debian)

Any other relevant details we should know about?


caniszczyk commented 3 years ago

+1 approved

taylorwaggoner commented 3 years ago

@anupdhml I've created the project and have invited you to it, thanks!

anupdhml commented 3 years ago

@taylorwaggoner thanks so much! I got the invite and I can see the project now from the equinix web console.

Could you also invite other Tremor maintainers (@darach @Licenser @mfelsche) to the project? Along with me, they will also be using the machine.

taylorwaggoner commented 3 years ago

Sure @anupdhml! Please provide their email addresses and I can add them, thanks!

anupdhml commented 3 years ago

@taylorwaggoner sorry, forgot to include it earlier! Here they are:

taylorwaggoner commented 3 years ago

Done thanks!

Licenser commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

vielmetti commented 2 years ago

Reopening to inform the team of a maintenance event in FRA2.

vielmetti commented 2 years ago

The maintenance in FRA2 is complete, reclosing.