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New theme for CNCF #491

Closed cjyabraham closed 2 years ago

cjyabraham commented 2 years ago

Getting to deploy:

  1. Pull live db on to PR instance - done, Apr 7
  2. Set up key main pages on PR instance for QA
  3. QA period with internal team (Apr x-y)
  4. Copy PR db and files on to DEV db and files
  5. Merge PR (this will delete the PR instance)
  6. UAT period with larger team (Apr y-z)

To deploy:

  1. Freeze live instance (best to do this over a weekend)
  2. Copy current dev instance on to uat-dev multidev instance
  3. Copy live instance db/files on to old-live multidev instance
  4. Copy live instance db/files on to the dev instance
  5. Modify dev instance to make it ready to go live: copy key pages from uat-dev while checking for any updated content, theme switch, menus rebuild, site options, any other page updates, accessibility statement published, launch blog post published, report format updates
  6. QA
  7. Get approvals to push live
  8. Copy dev db/files to live instance
  9. Regenerate thumbnails terminus wp -- media regenerate --yes and then make sure Shortpixel does its job
  10. Check everything is working especially search/filter screens
  11. Send unfreeze message and clean up
  12. Title case all page titles so they show up consistently in the menu
  13. Reconfigure Flying Scripts