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Add Company Logos for End User TAB Members on CNCF End User Technical Advisory Board Page #855

Closed onlydole closed 2 weeks ago

onlydole commented 2 weeks ago

@pritianka and I would like the CNCF website page [End User Technical Advisory Board] ( to include company logos for each member of the End User Technical Advisory Board (TAB). The logos will help visitors quickly identify the companies each member represents.

Ideally, we could have the company logos linked to their respective CNCF Landscape Member cards (ex.

cjyabraham commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, sounds fine. Do you want the logos added to the respective profile cards for each of the members? Or were you thinking we'd list all the logos in a separate section below the member profiles?

onlydole commented 2 weeks ago

Excellent! Under the individual folks would be great.

cjyabraham commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @onlydole , Ricardo Rocha has CERN listed as his company, however, CERN doesn't seem to be on the landscape. Do you want us to include the CERN logo anyway and link to the CERN website?

onlydole commented 2 weeks ago

That would be great, @cjyabraham!

thetwopct commented 2 weeks ago

@onlydole we've got a draft of this together - can preview it here.

Feedback from you:

Screenshot-2024-06-14 --00 06 09

Still to do:

onlydole commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you so much, @thetwopct. I like where those logos are positioned, and your suggestion for the modal. If there's any way to force block formatting inside the "people containers" for folks who haven't yet set their preferred pronouns so it lays out more uniformly, that would be preferred.

cjyabraham commented 2 weeks ago

I've added the CERN logo and link

thetwopct commented 2 weeks ago

@onlydole Great idea on the pronoun spacing, looks so much better ✅ CERN logo should update in the next run, a couple of other logos updated, so I think ready for final approval now. If happy I can get it live.

onlydole commented 2 weeks ago

This looks GREAT, @thetwopct! You've got my approval - thank you both for making this look excellent and for adding in the CERN logo/link!

cjyabraham commented 2 weeks ago

The logos are now live:

I'll close this issue for now but let us know @onlydole if you need any further tweaks to this.