cncf / cnf-testbed

ARCHIVED: 🧪🛏️Cloud-native Network Function (CNF) Testbed --> See LFN Cloud Native Telecom Initiative
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Move/cleanup old and outdated "baseline" directories #352

Open michaelspedersen opened 4 years ago

michaelspedersen commented 4 years ago

There are several outdated (6-24+ month old) deployment tools and use-cases present in the comparison directory. The idea is to clean up anything that isn't relevant, initially by moving it to a different folder, e.g. "icebox", and later removing anything that we are sure is no longer needed.

Focus is on the following directories:

A lot of content exist in both directories (some duplicated, other with minor modifications). Initially it would be good to merge the content. Then once we have a view of what is there, we can start updating anything relevant and remove everything else.

Tasks (to be handled through PRs):