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[Group Request] Create a new chapter in Queretaro #61

Open parraletz opened 1 month ago

parraletz commented 1 month ago

City or location name for your CNCG


What country do you want to start your community group in?


Tell us about yourself. List your name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if you need to be invited), and a required profile link on

Alex Parra,, OCC,,, CNCF Slack : Alex Parra

Tell us about your co-organizer. List their name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if they need to be invited), and a required profile link on

Jaime Omar Montenegro,, Epam,

Tell us about your co-organizer. List their name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if they need to be invited), and a required profile link on

No response

If you already run a meetup, please link it here

What is your mission statement or objective for this new chapter?

Our mission is to spark a dynamic community ignited by the power of cloud-native technologies. We're all about connecting tech enthusiasts and professionals to exchange cutting-edge insights, hacks, and stories in the cloud tech sphere. Join us to dive into a world where beginners morph into experts, and every voice fuels the next wave of cloud innovation. Let's innovate, collaborate, and elevate the cloud experience together!

Code of Conduct

Where organizers reside

Organizers companies/affiliations


Vendor Neutral

Agree to use CNCG branding

Registration through CNCF platforms

Remain an active chapter

Collaboration with other chapters

Aim to have a diverse representation of speakers in your meetups

parraletz commented 1 month ago

the original submission was : which was 2/28/2024 22:15:51.

best regards

k8tgreenley commented 4 weeks ago

@parraletz please have Jamie create a profile on

AudMonte01 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @parraletz - this chapter had already been created:

It looks like Jaime Omar still needs to create a profile per Katie's comment above. Please comment here once this is complete.