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[Group Request] Create a new chapter for China DaLian #95

Open addozhang opened 2 weeks ago

addozhang commented 2 weeks ago

City or location name for your CNCG

Cloud Native Dalian

What country do you want to start your community group in?


Tell us about yourself. List your name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if you need to be invited), and a required profile link on

Name: Xiaohui Zhang Email: Company: Flomesh ( Github: LinkedIn: Slack:Addo Zhang (Xiaohui) CNCF Community Profile:

Tell us about your co-organizer. List their name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if they need to be invited), and a required profile link on

Name: Jinghe Ma Email: Company: Jihu GitLab GitHub: CNCF slack workspace Name:

Tell us about your co-organizer. List their name, email, company, GitHub URL, LinkedIn URL, and CNCF Slack workspace name (or if they need to be invited), and a required profile link on

No response

If you already run a meetup, please link it here

No response

What is your mission statement or objective for this new chapter?

Over the past few years, the organizers of the CNCF Dalian Group have collaborated with local enterprises and volunteers to host annual cloud-native summits in Dalian. Each summit attracts over 100 cloud-native technology enthusiasts, with renowned speakers invited to share their expertise across various cloud-native domains. The 2023 KCD Dalian event drew over 220 attendees and featured more than 20 themed talks, making it the most popular event to date.

We regularly organize various events such as technical seminars, lectures, and seminars. Hope also provides a platform for enthusiasts to learn, grow, and innovate from each other. Whether you are a senior expert in the field of cloud computing or a novice interested in cloud-native technology, you can find your place and value in this community.

We hope this chapter to be the community for Cloud Native technology enthusiasms in DaLina.

Code of Conduct

Where organizers reside

Organizers companies/affiliations


Vendor Neutral

Agree to use CNCG branding

Registration through CNCF platforms

Remain an active chapter

Collaboration with other chapters

Aim to have a diverse representation of speakers in your meetups

AudMonte01 commented 1 week ago

Thank you for this submissions, @addozhang . Are you in contact with any of the other organizers from KCD Dalian? It would be great if you could also collaborate with them on this chapter.

Kevin Wang (HUAWEI CLOUD) Xiaohui Zhang (Flomesh)