cncf / demo

Demo of CNCF technologies
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Single command load generation (Countly, Boinc) #123

Open namliz opened 7 years ago

namliz commented 7 years ago

Currently countly goes from single command to available to ready to use after a few minutes. We want to pepper over the manual steps left in setting it up and triggering WRK load against it.

Boinc is just a regular background job, nothing needed there.

namliz commented 7 years ago

In trying this out end-to-end I've ran into a bit of a problem with tearing down a VPC.

We could not delete the following VPC (vpc-36939952 ( | cncfdemo)
Network vpc-36939952 has some mapped public address(es). Please unmap those public address(es) before detaching the gateway. (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: DependencyViolation; Request ID: 57ace056-3d96-429a-8b5e-db2bc85c36a4)

There's some resource somewhere holding on that I'm not seeing.

namliz commented 7 years ago

It was ELBs created by Kubernetes itself that need to be teared down or they block the VPC deletion.