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Vote on topics for future CNCF Technology Radars #35

Closed oicheryl closed 1 year ago

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

If you are interested in learning what end users recommend for a cloud native use case, add a comment below or +1 to vote. Examples could be categories from the CNCF Landscape, or industry verticals such as financial services.

Topics will be selected quarterly by the editorial team as the basis for a CNCF Technology Radar.

More information at

LawrenceHecht commented 4 years ago

Cheryl, I've done this type of project before. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Make sure to have a link to the actual tool/product being evaluated. Make sure to time stamp the assessments.
  2. Review the quarterly assessments at a meeting of CNCF end users. This way, you are not assigning a rating only based on the number of votes a technology initially gets.
  3. Don't compromise on making this an invite-only activity.
LawrenceHecht commented 4 years ago

And, in response to a tweet from @caniszczyk, I think the results should be made publicly available with the CNCF providing value to its members by only letting its end user community participate in making the ratings. Of course, I don't have insight into the membership sales pitch, so take that idea for what it's worth.

caniszczyk commented 4 years ago


This is an activity meant for CNCF End Users who are actually running these projects in production and share this information amongst each other in a safe environment where there are no vendors, it's by design we do it this way. It is a membership benefit of becoming an official CNCF End User :)

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

@LawrenceHecht I appreciate the comments!

1.Make sure to have a link to the actual tool/product being evaluated. Make sure to time stamp the assessments.

+1, it's definitely a point in time exercise.

Review the quarterly assessments at a meeting of CNCF end users. This way, you are not assigning a rating only based on the number of votes a technology initially gets.

The CNCF end users review the draft before it is released. Each radar will feature a different set of projects depending on the use case, so each technology will be assessed anew each time.

Don't compromise on making this an invite-only activity.

Also +1. I've already had people ask how they can get their project on the radar.

I think the results should be made publicly available with the CNCF providing value to its members by only letting its end user community participate in making the ratings.

Some of the end users don't have legal/PR permission to publicly state what they use, hence CNCF can publish only aggregrated and anonymized results.

travis-sobeck commented 4 years ago

I like the content, but PDFs are not a useful output medium for this kind of thing (imho).

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

@travis-sobeck you mean the graphic? What don't you like about it?

travis-sobeck commented 4 years ago

@oicheryl The problem with a PDF is that it's not interactive. If I'm looking at a graphic with data points, I want to be able to click on the data points to see the source, think of a Grafana graph (or anything similar). Or at a minimum, a link to a specific line on a spreadsheet/webpage with the data. Which is the problem with a PDF, its just one monolithic thing. I want to send a link to someone else to a specific piece of info, not the whole monolithic thing. Lastly, a pdf of a spreadsheet is again not interactive. Give people read access to the anonymized data, even if its just json/csv or google spreadsheet.

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

@travis-sobeck Got it, I'd absolutely love to make it more interactive. As the very first tech radar it's intentionally a bare bones MVP, but we can add all sorts of bells and whistles over time.

I really want to make this a useful resource for the wider community, so very happy to get the feedback and improve!

travis-sobeck commented 4 years ago

@oicheryl Yeah, that's fair.

povilasv commented 4 years ago

I would be interested to know what end users recommend for monitoring solutions :)

gadinaor commented 4 years ago

@oicheryl very nice and useful initiative

Would be great to see this for:

KellyGriffin commented 4 years ago

Great insight and very useful.

Voting for future ideas:

jcwinchell commented 4 years ago

Love the concept! Flux was buried in my long list of things to check out and this moved it up towards the top. I'd like to see radars for:

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

@povilasv @gadinaor @KellyGriffin @jcwinchell I've noted your votes - please keep them coming!

cpretzer commented 4 years ago

+1 for:

rmleme commented 4 years ago

Nice job Cheryl!

+1 for:

netinfo03 commented 4 years ago

Great concept!

+1 for :

  1. Security ( Kubernetes, Containers, Reduce attack surface, Mitigate cyberjacking)
  2. Monitoring
  3. Virtualization
  4. Requirements management (Rally, VersionOne,WorkFront, JIra etc)
  5. Incident management
  6. Log management
rsraszka commented 4 years ago
  1. Security
  2. Service Mesh
  3. Performance monitoring
  4. Log Management
gunturaf commented 4 years ago

+1 for:

  1. Monitoring
  2. Security
  3. Service Mesh
  4. Log Management
chira001 commented 4 years ago

Hi @oicheryl - this is brilliant!

As discussed in the TOC call (and wanted to capture here), I think it would be very valuable to also have a radar that focused on technology types (as opposed to specific projects) e.g. different runtimes vs serverless or perhaps different types storage (e.g. object vs file vs block vs KV vs database), as that would provide an indicator for where SIGs need to focus on. (This would be similar to the Techniques quadrant in the example on slide 6 in your deck).

In terms of votes for the next focus areas:

  1. Storage
  2. Observability (including monitoring, logging, performance, instrumentation etc ...)
oicheryl commented 4 years ago

Cheers @chira001 and yes, the Radar format could absolutely be extended to techniques or technology types.

It's getting hard to track so let's do this a bit differently. I'll post one topic per comment, and then people can 👍 the ones they want to see. If you think of something that's not listed, you can add another comment.

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

Incident management

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

Log management

oicheryl commented 4 years ago


oicheryl commented 4 years ago

Performance monitoring

oicheryl commented 4 years ago


oicheryl commented 4 years ago

Service Mesh

oicheryl commented 4 years ago


oicheryl commented 4 years ago


oicheryl commented 4 years ago

Requirements management

oicheryl commented 4 years ago


epowell101 commented 4 years ago

Regarding the storage one, Kiran Mova the community leader and chief architect of OpenEBS will be speaking objectively about currently storage landscape for specifically cloud or kubernetes native storage in an upcoming webinar: This could be some raw material. Anyway +1 for storage and per Alex's point above that itself covers different use cases like DB on Kubernetes tend to be on block whereas back-ups tend to feed into object and so on.

evectis commented 4 years ago

Chaos Engineering

dijitali commented 4 years ago

The CNCF end users review the draft before it is released. Each radar will feature a different set of projects depending on the use case, so each technology will be assessed anew each time.

As you mentioned: a single radar is a point-in-time exercise but one of the the key benefits comes from seeing the trajectory of those blips over time to get an idea of a project's uptake and stability.

Just my 2 cents but I'd suggest it would be worth standardising on a number of radar topics and revisiting them regularly.

rootsongjc commented 4 years ago

Service Mesh +1

GladiusK commented 4 years ago

Service Mesh +1

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

Thanks @epowell101 for sharing, note that the data for this radar comes entirely from the CNCF End User Community. (See "About the methodology" on You could encourage OpenEBS end users to join to make sure your project is represented.

Thanks @rootsongjc @GladiusK - please also 👍 this comment so I can track:

Lachlan-White commented 4 years ago
Asgoret commented 4 years ago
kunal-kushwaha commented 4 years ago
  1. Monitoring
  2. Service Mesh
  3. Serverless
  4. Security
Asgoret commented 4 years ago

@oicheryl Hi! First of all, I want to say thanks for your article and podcast at "The New Stack Makers". Is there any opportunity to add comments for technology? I found the only presentation with slides, but there are no comments about technologies and I am curious why somebody chooses GitlabCi, but not TeamCity\Jenkisn or whatever. Same thing we can saw in Through Provoke technology radar. After each tool, there is a small article about it.

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

Hi @Asgoret, this is an example of the comments/small article you mean right?

The Radar is the aggregated opinion of the whole community, so I thought it wouldn't be right to present a single justification when the companies represented can have very different reasons. Some of the companies in the End User Community (EUC) have shared their reasons for choosing one technology over another, but as it is not a legal/PR approved public statement, this information is confidential within the EUC.

If you are at an End User company (don't sell cloud native products or services) then you can join the EUC to get access to this information:

kenichi-shibata commented 4 years ago

Kubernetes Installers to use would be a good topic

grmhay commented 4 years ago

+1 for storage

FrederikNJS commented 4 years ago

Ingress Controller

FrederikNJS commented 4 years ago

Cost Allocation

mischapedia commented 4 years ago

Zalando open sourced their version of the thoughtworks tech radar (which is also open source):

=> You could use this to have a more interactive version of the radar.

oicheryl commented 4 years ago

@mischapedia Zalando's tech radar was one of the original inspirations! We are building a new interactive portal which will include more information about the projects and the data behind the radar. Stay tuned...

tomkerkhove commented 4 years ago


itsLucario commented 4 years ago