cncf / hugo-netlify-starter

Static website template for CNCF projects
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[meta] "Merge" or "Squash and merge" PRs in this repo? #76

Open chalin opened 2 years ago

chalin commented 2 years ago

We might want to decide whether we want to just "Merge" or "Squash and merge" PRs in this repo. I'm in favor of the latter (it keeps the commit history clean), but no solution is perfect and I'm open to the alternative.

@celestehorgan @nate-double-u @kapunahelewong

nate-double-u commented 2 years ago

+1 for "Squash and merge"

~Since this is a template repo all the commits get brought over to any repo generated from it, so keeping a clean commit history is important.~

~(In fact, we may want to clean it up even more once the project has gone through the improvements we've got laid out in the issues log)~

Edit - I'm incorrect. I just tested a template generation, and it does not in fact bring the full history with it. Sorry about that. I'm still in favour of the squash and merge strategy for PRs here.

nate-double-u commented 2 years ago

(I think I got confused because I've used this repo as an upstream repo for a couple sites, and pulling changes in from upstream was a little tricky)

kapunahelewong commented 2 years ago

I like squash and merge too. If we really need to we can unpack a squashed set of commits. And as I prefer smaller PRs, I don't plan on submitting great big ones as a habit (pay no attention to my honking one right now! 😅).