cncf / hugo-netlify-starter

Static website template for CNCF projects
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Add .nvmrc codifying the need for latest Node.js LTS release #88

Closed chalin closed 2 years ago

chalin commented 2 years ago

From the build log at, we can see that the latest LTS is now being used (as opposed to the default v10.x):

9:10:32 AM: Started restoring cached node version 9:10:36 AM: Finished restoring cached node version 9:10:36 AM: Attempting node version 'lts/*' from .nvmrc 9:10:36 AM: v14.17.3 is already installed. 9:10:37 AM: Now using node v14.17.3 (npm v6.14.13)

The npm version isn't the latest, but we should still be ok for now.