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KCD Amsterdam 2023 (February 23-24) #389

Closed ams0 closed 1 year ago

ams0 commented 3 years ago

We are back for a great edition in 2023! We have set the dates (23+24 February) and the venue. More info: , sponsor prospectus: , CFP:

Event Location:

WesterUnie/Westergasterras (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Event Date and Time:

23+24 February, 2023

First day: Conference+speakers dinner+ workshops Second day: Conference+BBQ+Attendee's party!

Event type:

Hybrid: in-person+remote attendance, all keynotes and sessions streamed and recorded, virtual and physical booths, and more ways to enjoy the event remotely.

Submission checklist:

*Please check each of these as you complete them:

CFP open and close dates (at least 6 weeks ahead of the event): Website launch date:

Submission checklist for CNCF:

Post Event checklist:

Expected Number of Attendees:


Organizer 1: First and Last Name, Company, Title, Email, CNCF Slack Username

Alessandro Vozza, Microsoft/CNCF/Lovelace Engineering, CNCF Ambassador,, UAPQCHK1B

Organizer 2: First and Last Name, Company, Title, Email, CNCF Slack Username

Andrea Giardini, Freelancer / Overstory B.V. , Infrastructure Engineer,, Andrea Giardini @AndreaGiardini

Organizer 3: First and Last Name, Company, Title, Email, CNCF Slack Username

Lian Li,, Developer advocate,, Lian Li

Organizer 4: First and Last Name, Company, Title, Email, CNCF Slack Username

Andy Repton, Red Hat, Black belt, or, Andy

Sponsor 1


Sponsor 2


Sponsor 3

Lovelace Engineering

Fiscal sponsor that will accept payments

Lovelace Engineering B.V. (Registered in NL with number 64231798)

xmulligan commented 3 years ago

@ams0 thanks for putting this together! Let me know when you have a third organizers and I can start moving forward from the CNCF side. Excited to have this again!

ams0 commented 3 years ago

@xmulligan we have 3 organizers (more in fact) and we're all geared up for 2022. We have a date (12-13 May, close to Kubecon but should be fine).

xmulligan commented 3 years ago

@ams0 thanks for putting together the organizers! Really looking forward to the event!

You have the date listed in the top as April 14-15, but say May 12-13. Which is it? Can you also add the Twitter handle there too?

I've created the KCD Netherlands chapter in Bevy and added you and Andrea. Fabrizio Marras doesn't have an account yet on Bevy. Let me know if you want to add anyone else.

I've added each of the organizers to the email forward

xmulligan commented 3 years ago

@ams0 I just wanted to check in with you. Do you have any updates on the dates? Also once you get into the full swing of planning, I would like to set up a monthly check in with the team to make sure everything is on track and help resolve any issues

ams0 commented 3 years ago

yes, we fixed the dates of 27+28 October 2022, so plenty of time still to prepare, and hopefully we'll have full capacity by then. In The Netherlands the government is already authorizing events up to 750 people, so we have good hopes :)

xmulligan commented 3 years ago

Great, I've updated the event date above. Let's plan on starting monthly check ins in February.

xmulligan commented 2 years ago

Hi @ams0 just wanted to check in with you before the end of the year. Is there anything you need from me to plan your KCD for next year?

ams0 commented 2 years ago

Hi there, nothing special, we are starting to contact sponsors and get everything ready for October 2022 this month. Events are coming back in-person and we are planning some meetups too soon. We would like to create the event page this month, it's under "KCD Netherlands" (I have access) and create a "Meetup", right?

xmulligan commented 2 years ago

Sounds good, Please create the "Conference" event type

ams0 commented 2 years ago

We also have a Github org and a repo where we will store other assets (sponsor prospectus for example:

xmulligan commented 2 years ago

@ams0 Hope the new year is starting well for you! When do you want to start the monthly check ins? and when will you move forward with planning the event?

AndreaGiardini commented 2 years ago

Hello @xmulligan

We found out that the dates KCD Amsterdam conflict with Kubecon Detroit, which is unfortunate... We met with the venue last Tuesday and we are waiting to get their availability for a new date. Ideally, we will have KCD Amsterdam a couple of weeks before/after Kubecon Detroit. As soon as we get the availability of the venue we will make a final decision on the dates

xmulligan commented 2 years ago

@AndreaGiardini Thanks for the update! Let me know if you need anything in the meantime

k8tgreenley commented 2 years ago

@ams0 when you have confirmed your new dates, please update the issue to reflect. I would also like to set up a call once you have confirmed your dates for us to set up Bevy and SMapply

ams0 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @k8tgreenley , dates are confirmed by the venue, we will shortly put the event on back up and re-open CFP and sponsor signup. Happy to have a call with @AndreaGiardini and you to get started (again :))

k8tgreenley commented 2 years ago

@ams0 Great! I am excited to talk to you about getting your event started, again :) I also would like to hear more about your current experience with the program so far. Please use this link to Book a Meeting with Me.

I will be onsite next week for Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Con North America.

AudMonte01 commented 2 years ago

Hi @ams0 and @AndreaGiardini - It was a pleasure meeting with you both yesterday!

Before I create your SMapply CFP please edit the above issue with the planned CFP dates, closing at least 6 weeks ahead of the event. For example, KCD Spain (and O'Reilly Media had done this many times) built in a 1-week buffer in case you want to plan to extend your CFP in case there are not enough submissions.

ams0 commented 2 years ago

@AudMonte01 as we posted on the dates are as follow:

CFP open: 1st August CFP closes: 31st October (after KubeconNA)+buffer if needed Notifications of acceptance: 1st December Agenda published (tentative): 15th December

Sounds good to you?


AudMonte01 commented 2 years ago

Thank you, @ams0 ! I just sent you @AndreaGiardini and Fabrizio a platform update via email, with next steps.

lianmakesthings commented 2 years ago

Hi all, excited to join the organising team 🎉

Lian Li Loft Labs Developer Advocate Lian Li on Slack (there are a couple former accounts, I'm the one who's online 😬)

AudMonte01 commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone! Looking forward to our touch-base tomorrow.

Aside from following up about Bevy Pay, and generally where you are at in the planning process - @ams0, is there anything you and the team want to be sure to cover in this meeting?

andyrepton commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I'm also interested in helping to organise. I've spoken with @ams0 already about this, but making a formal request here. Adding some info and please let me know next steps:

Andy Repton Red Hat Managed OpenShift Black Belt Andy on Slack, or SethKarlo depending on time account was created

AudMonte01 commented 2 years ago

Thank you @Seth-Karlo and @ams0 - I have added Seth-Karlo as an admin to SMapply. In order to add you as a Host/Organizer to this page, please create an account here.

andyrepton commented 2 years ago

I've created the account!

AudMonte01 commented 2 years ago

I've created the account!

Thank you, @Seth-Karlo - what is your email address? I cannot find you when I type your name. It may also be that you first need to become a member of the Netherland community here.

andyrepton commented 2 years ago

@AudMonte01 You can use for me :-) It'll come through!

ams0 commented 2 years ago

I noticed the search works in the chapter page but not on the event page, I think I had to create the organizers there manually, not a big deal tho

AudMonte01 commented 2 years ago

Yes @ams0 - thank you! @Seth-Karlo shows up now.

AudMonte01 commented 1 year ago


Publishing program soon 4 workshops in the morning (1.5 hours each)

Diversity out of 22 speakers

Fun ideas


ams0 commented 1 year ago

We implemented all the fun ideas (except the ping pong table :D) and the party is here

As of today we have 274 tickets sold, 20 silver, 7 gold, 5 bronze, Party and bbq sponsor, 6 keynotes, 24 speakers, 4 workshops and lighting talks all sorted out. Full steam ahead in selling the last 100ish tickets, we can use some help on social media from CNCF! @AudMonte01

ams0 commented 1 year ago

Update: we sold out 3 days in advance, 450 ticket sold. I'd like to thank the organising committee::

@AndreaGiardini @Seth-Karlo @ayodejidev @wrkode @pmusa @mkerker @srknc @meglicious @josvanschouten @dsinghnl

who created a beautiful event machine with little previous experience. I'm humbled and excited for this week! I've been dreaming about it for 3 years, I'm privileged to finally see the dream come true and the community step up big time.

ams0 commented 1 year ago

Pictures are here: and report is in the making

AudMonte01 commented 1 year ago

Excellent! We are excited to hear more. This looks like a successful event! Please see my email to schedule a retrospective. Alternatively, here is my calendly:

AudMonte01 commented 1 year ago






Attendee Feedback

Organizer Feedback


AudMonte01 commented 1 year ago
AndreaGiardini commented 1 year ago


@ams0 @AndreaGiardini @Seth-Karlo @ayodejidev @wrkode @pmusa @mkerker @meglicious


@srknc @josvanschouten @dsinghnl @lianmakesthings @fahd-e

ams0 commented 1 year ago

Videos playlist here and blog post here

Let's close this one, on and onwards to KubeconEU now and soon announcing plans for KCD Amsterdam 2024!