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KCD Barcelona 2024 (June) #530

Open immavalls opened 7 months ago

immavalls commented 7 months ago

KCD Organizer Checklist

First in-person KCD Spain. Previous editions in 2023, in 2022 and in 2021.

Event Details

Event type:

Organizers Details (identify at least 3 organizers). Designate who will be the CFP admin, as well as the financial officer:

We'll add the full team soon once KCD Spain 2023 is done.


The above questions might change a bit due to this being a co-located event:

Getting started checklist for organizers

Getting started checklist for CNCF:

Organizer Planning Timeline

Post event checklist for Organizers:

Post event checklist for CNCF:

rezuma commented 6 months ago

Nice, would love to be there

AudMonte01 commented 4 months ago

Hi folks - let's have an official kick-off meeting even though we chatted a little about this during the preparations of KCD Spain's virtual event in December. Could someone find time on my calendar that works for everyone?

immavalls commented 4 months ago

Thanks Audra, I chose a slot in your calendar for the initial kick-off next week

immavalls commented 3 months ago

Update on the KCD Barcelona status:

AudMonte01 commented 3 months ago




Attendee goals


Next steps

immavalls commented 3 months ago

Logos are here.

immavalls commented 2 months ago

The call for speakers is closed, some stats in The "cloud" track is KCD, and we got 267 talk proposals.

AudMonte01 commented 2 months ago


Agenda is under review for KCD + DevBcn



immavalls commented 2 months ago

Thanks @AudMonte01 the link to devbcn sponsorship brochure is in

immavalls commented 2 months ago

ongoing PR to replace KCD Spain logo on the DevBcn website

immavalls commented 2 months ago

Changes merged @AudMonte01 , removed KCD Spain from and

immavalls commented 1 month ago

Diversity scholarship is published

AudMonte01 commented 1 month ago





immavalls commented 1 month ago

We have already assigned 5 free diversity tickets. We are working with DevBcn to give away 3 more, as more folks applied than tickets. I am not sure if we'll be able to, though we can try.

We have the final speakers selected, and I'll send them to the asap.

AudMonte01 commented 2 weeks ago



On-Site Logistics


immavalls commented 5 days ago

The attendance was 700 people (from what DevBcn told us), and pictures are now available at

immavalls commented 5 days ago

Request for speakers's badge was also sent today @AudMonte01 , let us know if anything else is needed for that.

AudMonte01 commented 5 days ago


Positives feedback

Lessons learned


Post-event marketing

AudMonte01 commented 5 days ago

Hi @immavalls - all 14 speaker badges have been issued, and here is the link to the transparency report template for you to share with the DevBcn folks.

icougil commented 5 days ago

hi team, Let me jump in here and add few notes, just to to add another POV/clarify few things. Best,


Positives feedback

  • Engaging
  • Multimedia was well done
  • Financially easy / not responsible for overhead costs
  • Were able to push diversity in speakers
  • Great program committee for the KCD, and learned a lot on what it takes to produce good content. Good collaboration / common ground
  • Some attendance from international people in the KCD room like Venezuela and Italy
  • Some interest in participating in the community group Great!

Lessons learned

  • It felt more like they wanted CNCF as a sponsor versus KCD as a co-located event Well, this is a feeling could (or could not) match our feeling as the organizers of the DevBcn. It was clear that the responsibility of organizing the DevBcn and hosting KCD was entirely under DevBcn umbrella, right? We signed an agreement about it.

  • Did not use organizers as emcees, or even mention what a KCD is First, it was not needed to have any member of KCD in the opening. Second, it was clear who where the organizers of the event that co-located KCD physically in the same venue. Third, did you organise anything? Organizer is somebody who organizes something, in this case, related with the physical event. Of course, we are not questioning the value of the work done by the KCD CFP committee (you did a great job, btw), but organising? I don't think the team organised anything around the physical event DevBcn - KCD, it wasn't the objective either, the organisation was clear who was in charge from minute 0. Said that, yes, we know we made a mistake in the opening because we forgot to mention what KCD is. In the opening, we were in a rush at the beginning of the event because the registration was not as fast as we'd liked (probably you noticed that if you were there) and we could not spend too much time on it because after our speech the 1st keynote would start (and we couldn't steal a single minute for any speaker as you can imagine). In the closing we fixed that: we were more relaxed, without no time/speed constraints. Were any of you there? The recordings will demonstrate that in any case.

  • Could use better content We tried to do our best, but it is not economically affordable and sustainable (at least for us) to pay for travel & expenses for speakers that come far away from Barcelona (ex: Australia, US, etc) and even more difficult with less than 1 month before the event.

  • The talks were biased towards sponsors (chosen by DevBcn). Frustrating after KCD team did valued reviewing Sorry, sponsors pushed for their content/talks and we tried to make the best balance we could VS the money they put into the event. About the reviewing process, we can imagine the frustration for the KCD CFP team,... but imagine as well the organization of DevBcn where we found many talks that we received ...and were not reviewed by the committee. I think here we had a miscommunication at some point... (and I know part of this problem is on me 😔, based on what I commented to @immavalls , but I thought it was evident that all talks should be reviewed by the entire committee...).

  • Have this event for free next time What we can say? Good luck! 🙂👍

  • DevBcn was not inclusive of KCD organizers on-site I don't understand this point: we signed an agreement where it was clear that we would deliver a stand for the KCD community to have the community there (the same we did with the rest of the communities we had in there, btw). Where is the non-inclusive part?

  • Lack of transparency in the entire process Don't understand that as well.

  • Will not partner with DevBcn in the future 🤷‍♂️


  • Registrations versus check-ins (100 versus 700 for main event) Don't know what's a check-in, but yes, we had 705 attendees.

    -- no room monitors What does this mean?

  • Diversity rate: Non-male speakers - 31%

  • Sponsorships were sold by DevBcn I hope you did not expect other results based on the organisation who invested -and risked- their money and financial sustainability and the agreement we signed, right?

Post-event marketing

  • Photos linked above. No video recordings You haven't asked about recordings, did you? They are still post-processing, if you wait a few days, probably we will receive them and we will share them accordingly...

  • [x] Imma submitted Credly badges for Audra to distribute to speakers

  • [x] Audra to share transparency report template with Imma to check with DevBcn team to see if they want to be part of it

AudMonte01 commented 4 days ago

Hello @icougil - thank you for your insights and comments.

I probably should have met with you to express CNCF expectations with KCDs. Most KCD events are stand-alone events, or in some cases like this, are co-located. Co-located events to us mean the KCD organizers are given 1 or 2 rooms to figure out logistics like:

From my understanding, the DevBcn team did not want logistical help of the KCD organizers so the room felt more like a track versus a co-located event.

It would be awesome if there are video recordings of the those talks, and a playlist created for the KCD. If so, CNCF can help amplify it (duplicate it) in our YouTube channel to promote it to our subscribers.

Kind regards,

Audra Montenegro CNCF Core KCD Program Manager