cncf / sandbox

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Apache License 2.0
119 stars 19 forks source link

[Sandbox] KubeVPN #102

Open wencaiwulue opened 1 month ago

wencaiwulue commented 1 month ago

Application contact emails

Project Summary

KubeVPN offers a Cloud-Native Dev Environment that seamlessly connects to your Kubernetes cluster network.

Project Description

KubeVPN offers a Cloud-Native Dev Environment that seamlessly connects to your Kubernetes cluster network.

Gain access to the Kubernetes cluster network effortlessly using service names or Pod IP/Service IP. Facilitate the interception of inbound traffic from remote Kubernetes cluster services to your local PC through a service mesh and more.

For instance, you have the flexibility to run your Kubernetes pod within a local Docker container, ensuring an identical environment, volume, and network setup. With KubeVPN, empower yourself to develop applications entirely on your local PC!

Org repo URL (provide if all repos under the org are in scope of the application)

Project repo URL in scope of application

Additional repos in scope of the application

No response

Website URL


none yet

Roadmap context

KubeVPN is quite mature and the only roadmap is:

Contributing Guide

Code of Conduct (CoC)

none yet (will reuse the CNCF one)


No response

Contributing or Sponsoring Org

Maintainers file

none yet, 3 maintainers

IP Policy

Trademark and accounts


As a PaaS / DevOps sofeware engineer. I know it is so hard to startup Cloud Native Application on local PC. basicly the only way to develop our app is to build image and replace container image tag. So i develop a tools KubeVPN, it offers a Cloud-Native Dev Environment that seamlessly connects to your Kubernetes cluster network. Gain access to the Kubernetes cluster network effortlessly using service names or Pod IP/Service IP. Facilitate the interception of inbound traffic from remote Kubernetes cluster services to your local PC through a service mesh and more. For instance, you have the flexibility to run your Kubernetes pod within a local Docker container, ensuring an identical environment, volume, and network setup. With KubeVPN, empower yourself to develop applications entirely on your local PC!

Benefit to the Landscape

If being part of CNCF gives more visibility to the project, then every people using apps in the CNCF landscape, and specifically Kubernetes sofeware engineer or DevOps engineer or Paas engineer , will benefit.

Cloud Native 'Fit'

This project help many k8s engineer to develop their app quickly.

Cloud Native 'Integration'

In proxy mode with service mesh, we using envoy as data plane. and we make a control plane by envoy library.

Cloud Native Overlap

No response

Similar projects


Yes, here is link

Business Product or Service to Project separation

none i'm aware of

Project presentations

No response

Project champions

No response

Additional information

Don't forget to star the project if you like it :)

wencaiwulue commented 4 days ago

@caniszczyk Can you help to evaluate this project ? Thanks

TheFoxAtWork commented 4 days ago

@wencaiwulue The TOC reviews sandbox applications roughly every 2 months. for more information on the Sandbox process, please refer to the README for this repo: