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[Sandbox] OpenEBS - Promotion from Archive -> Sandbox #104

Open edrob999 opened 2 weeks ago

edrob999 commented 2 weeks ago

Application contact emails,

Also see OpenEBS project leadership Maintainers team

Project Summary

Cloud native storage

Project Description

OpenEBS was accepted as a Sandbox project in 2019, then moved to archive in Feb 2024. For background on why, see OpenEBS - why we were archived. The project team and sponsoring company have made changes in order to ensure the long term sustainability of OpenEBS. We are asking to unarchive the project, and are challenging ourselves to move forward in the CNCF maturity process.

OpenEBS provides enterprise grade block storage for Kubernetes, enabling persistent resilient cloud native storage (storage is managed-from and contained-within a Kubernetes cluster). OpenEBS is popular, with >25,000 new clusters installed every month. This is a re-application to Sandbox. Project was archived Feb 2024 after TOC vote on 1051. šŸ˜¢ The team has listened to TOC feedback, has made changes šŸ˜„ , and is now seeking readmission to Sandbox. Changes include:

Org repo URL (provide if all repos under the org are in scope of the application)

Project repo URL in scope of application

Additional repos in scope of the application

The new OpenEBS project consists of 5 Storage Engines. The strategy is to eventually unify all 5 into 1 platform. There are sub repos & dependencies, 1 sub project & 1 critical external fork dependency. We took advice from TOC, and advised community, then deprecated, then moved tech-debt of 44 legacy repos to openebs-archive org based on guidance from @caniszczyk and @castrojo. - Our new repo structure is listed below, with engines listed in order of User Adoption:

Name Project Repos
Local PV Hostpath
Local PV ZFS
Local PV LVM
Replicated PV Mayastor
SPDK fork w/OpenEBS patches
Local PV Raw Device

Website URL


Roadmap context

The new project roadmap & strategy is to Unify 5 Storage Engines into 1 single Storage platform, covering Local PV, Replicated PV, 3 Backend Storage Mgmt stacks and 7 Tier-1 Cloud Providers. This is a major project change compared to the old roadmap, which did not provide any attention, love or focus on the 4 Local PV engines. This lack of focus on our behalf created a stale & disappointed community with low contribs. - We acknowledge that this was wrong and our new Roadmap + VISION doc now defines a specific commitment to the very large Local PV community (1.7Million users).

In support of the new Roadmap, we defined a VISION doc as part of our new GOVERNANCE structure that supports the roadmap and helps guide us, our devs contribs and the community

Contributing Guide

Code of Conduct (CoC)


Contributing or Sponsoring Org

Maintainers file

IP Policy

Trademark and accounts


OpenEBS was accepted as a Sandbox project in 2019, then moved to archive in Feb 2024.

We have re-examined why we want to continue to contribute to CNCF. Here is why:

Benefit to the Landscape

ā€œNo one thinks about their storage until it stops workingā€

The four overarching benefits to the landscape are:

Cloud Native 'Fit'

OpenEBS is cloud native storage. Designed from the ground for Kubernetes. Every one of our maintainers, contributors and users are Kubernetes users.

Every K8s user should have the choice to use internal or external storage. Without a cloud native, enterprise storage solution like OpenEBS, people donā€™t have the choice, and have to rely on external non-cloud-native storage.

Cloud Native 'Integration'

Kubernetes Containerd KubeVirt Kubernetes Etcd NATS HELM gRPC Jaegar OpenTelemetry Prometheus Open Telemetry

Cloud Native Overlap

Longhorn (storage) CubeFS (storage) Rook/Ceph (storage)

Similar projects

Longhorn (storage) CubeFS (storage) Rook/Ceph (storage)


Cloud Native Storage

Business Product or Service to Project separation

DataCore has a commercial offering complementing OpenEBS. After consultation with Linux Foundation (DanielC brand counsel), the commercial offering will NOT use the name OpenEBS PRO. The name is being decided, it will comply with LF trademark usage guidelines.

OpenEBS and DataCoreā€™s commercial offering have clearly defined separate scopes (see in community docs).

For organization:

Project presentations

Prior to project-archiving, OpenEBS has participated with TAG Storage (the presentations may have been archived). There have been no presentations post-project-archiving.

Project champions

Jorge Castro Chris Aniszczyk Emily Fox Nick Connolly Alex Chircop

Additional information

OpenEBS was accepted to Sandbox five years ago. Since then the project has become the most widely adopted Kubernetes storage solution.

We have accepted and adopted changes recommended by the TOC in February 2024.

OpenEBS is an important project. People rely on OpenEBS as a foundation for their Kubernetes infrastructure: We have a lot of production installations, including Microsoft who use OpenEBS in Azure Container services; CIVO who use OpenEBS as the basis for their hosted storage; Flipboard, Indiaā€™s largest eCommerce service who rely on OpenEBS for their storage.

While OpenEBS is in Archive, our users are uncertain of the projectā€™s future, and the future of their own software that depends on OpenEBS.

We request TOC considers a promotion to Sandbox as soon as possible, and we will work with CNCF to develop and execute a plan to move the project to incubation status immediately afterwards.

edrob999 commented 1 week ago

adding prefix [Sandbox]