cncf / sandbox

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Apache License 2.0
119 stars 19 forks source link

[Sandbox] Atlantis #60

Closed jamengual closed 1 day ago

jamengual commented 10 months ago

Application contact emails

Project Summary

Terraform Pull Request Automation

Project Description

Atlantis is PR automation application that allows users to create PRs against a repository to run terraform via command comments like atlantis plan/apply/import/unlock. It allows users to interact with terraform commands within the PR and get the output of those commands in the form of PR comments. Users can define project structures, generate policies, autogenerate projects, require review requirements etc. Atlantis supports multiples VCSs Github, Gitlab, BitBucket, Azure Pipelines

Org repo URL (provide if all repos under the org are in scope of the application)

Project repo URL in scope of application

Additional repos in scope of the application

No response

Website URL


Roadmap context

No response

Contributing Guide

Code of Conduct (CoC)


Contributing or Sponsoring Org

No response

Maintainers file

IP Policy

Trademark and accounts


Atlantis has been part of the IaC community for many many years and lately, after a few years dormant it has been reviving thanks to the work of the maintainers and the community, it is more than ever vitally crucial for many companies and individuals these days were there is more and more IaC adoption in the industry. But without a good supporting structure, Atlantis could potentially one day go dormant forever and it will fracture the long-lasting community that it has built. That is why we believe by donating the project to the CNCF we could get the much-needed supporting structure to the project and drive a richer contributor community.

Benefit to the Landscape

As I said before, the project has been a long-time key player in the community, and its role in IaC and cloud infrastructure is vital, we feel that CNCF is a natural fit for the project. Many CNCF projects actually run Atlantis to create their own infrastructure to actually deploy their own code to the cloud resources or to deploy other CNCF projects in their infrastructure. It is a key piece withing the cloud native infrastructure.

Cloud Native 'Fit'

The Atlantis project fits within the Automation/Configuration section on the CNCF alongside terraform, ArgoCD, and others. It uses the GitOps workflow to run terraform automation to then deploy resources to support different other types of applications like, Kubernetes, Argo and many others. It sits in a key part of the deployment workflow of many cloud native application.

Most Atlantis users use Atlantis in Kubernetes, bootstrapping other Kubernetes clusters using Atlantis, and deploying their apps in Kubernetes using Atlantis workflows.

Cloud Native 'Integration'

Atlantis runs primarily Terraform project in a GitOps workflow. Any Terrafrom project can be run through atlantis and be enhanced by the many features that it offers. Atlantis complements terraform in particular by moving the IaC to the left, closer to the developer so that the interaction with terraform happens in familiar tools to the developer.

Cloud Native Overlap

none I believe

Similar projects



I do not think we are listed

Business Product or Service to Project separation


Project presentations


Project champions


Additional information

The project owner has authorized us to submit the project and has made us the official maintainers.

tweiss-mdm commented 3 months ago


GenPage commented 3 months ago

This will be long-winded, but I'm posting here due to the issue's high visibility.

This project is a weird candidate for CNCF, because it is not inherently cloud-native. It can be used in a cloud-native way, but it can also be used in the complete absence of Kubernetes, containers, or microservices.

This proposal hinges on the question of: does CNCF want to increase its scope to cover configuration management and deployment? If the CDF still existed, we might suggest it as an alternate foundation, but that's not an option anymore.

Josh does have a point on Atlantis not entirely fitting the CNCF as it currently stands. I've been attending multiple talks and meetings at KubeCon EU to try and figure out the answer to this and to see how we can be part of the solution and not the problem. Atlantis isn't the only project residing in this "grey" area, and there's a need to figure out where projects of this scope fit into the ecosystem and if the CNCF is willing to expand their scope to include them.

There are also contributing factors from the CNCF side that exacerbate this. They do not have enough contributors participating in the TAGs (Technical Advisory Groups), which results in TAGs being overloaded with expanding scope. I highly encourage everyone to please join a TAG in your area of interest and contribute. You can find a list of TAGs here:

After the App-Delivery maintainer track talk at KubeCon and discussions with the TAG chairs, I'm happy to announce that I have volunteered to help coordinate and evaluate the building of a new working group around "Infrastructure Provisioning" within the App-Delivery TAG ( To start, I will reach out to coordinate with similar projects, such as OpenTofu and Crossplane.

If you wish to support/provide feedback, please consider joining the bi-monthly TAG meetings and Slack, which can be found here: Otherwise, a simple +1 is a great way to show your support and that we're thinking in the right direction. Thank you

zanetworker commented 3 months ago

I've been discussing a related topic with @angellk, and to @GenPage's point, Atlantis isn't the only project facing issues. Other initiatives like "hosted control planes" have also been caught in the grey area. While we could opt for runtime, I haven't found a suitable tag/wg for topics like infrastructure, multi-cluster management, control-planes, and lifecycle.

@GenPage I am happy to collaborate (others in the hcp space are willing as well) to determine the right place for those efforts. I believe it would make sense to create a new WG that covers infra, multi-cluster management, control planes, and lifecycle projects, which would include cross-plane and open tofu as well. We could work on the naming to make sure the scope covers those efforts as well.

iv0rish commented 2 months ago


matthewbarr commented 2 months ago

+1 , and you now having me look at the App Delivery TAG.

manumbs commented 2 months ago


rammanokar-plateron commented 2 months ago


jonjpbm commented 2 months ago


ShankyJS commented 2 months ago


vitaly-sinev commented 2 months ago


fjudith commented 2 months ago


jberkus commented 2 months ago

Then half of CNCF projects are weird candidates for CNCF, including graduated projects such as Prometheus, Fluentd or even Cilium because those can be used without containers, Kubernetes and microservices

They can be but materially they are not. It's unquestionable that the primary, 95% use case of Prometheus is collecting metrics for Kubernetes-based stacks. Most Cillium users are on top of a Kubernetes distribution. Etc. If you're making the case that Atlantis is used primarily for building cloud native stacks, rather than for other configuration management tasks, then that's a good case to make for this application. Are you?

kdevray commented 2 months ago


jamengual commented 2 months ago

Then half of CNCF projects are weird candidates for CNCF, including graduated projects such as Prometheus, Fluentd or even Cilium because those can be used without containers, Kubernetes and microservices

They can be but materially they are not. It's unquestionable that the primary, 95% use case of Prometheus is collecting metrics for Kubernetes-based stacks. Most Cillium users are on top of a Kubernetes distribution. Etc. If you're making the case that Atlantis is used primarily for building cloud native stacks, rather than for other configuration management tasks, then that's a good case to make for this application. Are you?

Most Atlantis users use Atlantis in Kubernetes, bootstrapping other Kubernetes clusters using Atlantis, and deploying their apps in Kubernetes using Atlantis workflows.

Brightside56 commented 2 months ago

Then half of CNCF projects are weird candidates for CNCF, including graduated projects such as Prometheus, Fluentd or even Cilium because those can be used without containers, Kubernetes and microservices

They can be but materially they are not. It's unquestionable that the primary, 95% use case of Prometheus is collecting metrics for Kubernetes-based stacks. Most Cillium users are on top of a Kubernetes distribution. Etc. If you're making the case that Atlantis is used primarily for building cloud native stacks, rather than for other configuration management tasks, then that's a good case to make for this application. Are you?

I think the vast majority of use cases for Atlantis is to be collaboration tool for a cloud infrastructure orchestration, but of course it can be used for something else

raghavtan commented 2 months ago


cwstrommer commented 2 months ago


dibenlloch commented 1 month ago


jberkus commented 1 month ago

Most Atlantis users use Atlantis in Kubernetes, bootstrapping other Kubernetes clusters using Atlantis, and deploying their apps in Kubernetes using Atlantis workflows.

Great! Please add that to your original application text, in case members of the TOC aren't reading the whole comment thread. It can go in either Cloud Native Integration or Cloud Native Fit.

jberkus commented 1 month ago

TAG-CS Comment:

Atlantis currently has:

They do not have other project internal documentation ... yet.

mrbobbytables commented 4 weeks ago

Follow-up from today's sandbox review, Atlantis will be moved to a vote. Just for an FYI though - you may be requested to change the name pending trademark review. /vote

git-vote[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Vote created

@mrbobbytables has called for a vote on [Sandbox] Atlantis (#60).

The members of the following teams have binding votes: Team

Non-binding votes are also appreciated as a sign of support!

How to vote

You can cast your vote by reacting to this comment. The following reactions are supported:

In favor Against Abstain
πŸ‘ πŸ‘Ž πŸ‘€

Please note that voting for multiple options is not allowed and those votes won't be counted.

The vote will be open for 2months 30days 2h 52m 48s. It will pass if at least 66% of the users with binding votes vote In favor πŸ‘. Once it's closed, results will be published here as a new comment.

git-vote[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Vote status

So far 9.09% of the users with binding vote are in favor (passing threshold: 66%).


In favor Against Abstain Not voted
1 0 0 10

Binding votes (1)

User Vote Timestamp
dims In favor 2024-06-11 23:04:45.0 +00:00:00
@rochaporto Pending
@angellk Pending
@mauilion Pending
@linsun Pending
@dzolotusky Pending
@kevin-wangzefeng Pending
@cathyhongzhang Pending
@nikhita Pending
@TheFoxAtWork Pending
@kgamanji Pending

Non-binding votes (47)

| User | Vote | Timestamp | | ---- | :---: | :-------: | | andrew-aiken | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:22.0 +00:00:00 | | nronnei | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:28.0 +00:00:00 | | ribejara-te | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:44.0 +00:00:00 | | tall3n | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:51.0 +00:00:00 | | adionisio8 | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:04.0 +00:00:00 | | npwolf | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:12.0 +00:00:00 | | oliver-vini | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:15.0 +00:00:00 | | KyriosGN0 | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:18.0 +00:00:00 | | elft3r | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:58:54.0 +00:00:00 | | kubiclayer | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:59:44.0 +00:00:00 | | commarla | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:00:58.0 +00:00:00 | | lukemassa | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:01:57.0 +00:00:00 | | Vlaaaaaaad | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:03:26.0 +00:00:00 | | AndrewChemis | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:05:04.0 +00:00:00 | | brint | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:06:28.0 +00:00:00 | | ohad1282 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:07:41.0 +00:00:00 | | aeells | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:09:46.0 +00:00:00 | | cube2222 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:17:18.0 +00:00:00 | | lkysow | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:20:19.0 +00:00:00 | | chasestech | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:22:17.0 +00:00:00 | | osterman | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:26:07.0 +00:00:00 | | stasostrovskyi | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:30:20.0 +00:00:00 | | chenrui333 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:40:10.0 +00:00:00 | | David-Miller-Bose | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:43:14.0 +00:00:00 | | bnjns | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:44:31.0 +00:00:00 | | ilee-asapp | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:48:50.0 +00:00:00 | | xbglowx | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:53:04.0 +00:00:00 | | jreslock | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:55:31.0 +00:00:00 | | joshraub-bw | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:10.0 +00:00:00 | | rtan-ml | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:24.0 +00:00:00 | | jameshounshell | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:34.0 +00:00:00 | | ccureau | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:02:19.0 +00:00:00 | | mikedougherty | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:02:27.0 +00:00:00 | | mholttech | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:13:04.0 +00:00:00 | | AndreZiviani | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:32:46.0 +00:00:00 | | DillonN | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:39:04.0 +00:00:00 | | kcarrillorhoads | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:58:08.0 +00:00:00 | | managedkaos | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:21:50.0 +00:00:00 | | johanneswuerbach | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:32:46.0 +00:00:00 | | ehakan | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:39:52.0 +00:00:00 | | michaelj-smith | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:41:13.0 +00:00:00 | | mubarak-j | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:45:13.0 +00:00:00 | | CpuID | In favor | 2024-06-11 21:18:51.0 +00:00:00 | | minamijoyo | In favor | 2024-06-11 22:35:26.0 +00:00:00 | | venkatamutyala | In favor | 2024-06-12 0:37:25.0 +00:00:00 | | DavidGamba | In favor | 2024-06-12 3:19:35.0 +00:00:00 | | jamengual | In favor | 2024-06-12 3:41:25.0 +00:00:00 |
GenPage commented 3 weeks ago


git-vote[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Vote status

So far 45.45% of the users with binding vote are in favor (passing threshold: 66%).


In favor Against Abstain Not voted
5 0 0 6

Binding votes (5)

User Vote Timestamp
TheFoxAtWork In favor 2024-06-12 20:33:29.0 +00:00:00
rochaporto In favor 2024-06-12 9:11:03.0 +00:00:00
dims In favor 2024-06-11 23:04:45.0 +00:00:00
nikhita In favor 2024-06-14 5:49:12.0 +00:00:00
angellk In favor 2024-06-12 16:45:14.0 +00:00:00
@mauilion Pending
@linsun Pending
@dzolotusky Pending
@kevin-wangzefeng Pending
@cathyhongzhang Pending
@kgamanji Pending

Non-binding votes (140)

| User | Vote | Timestamp | | ---- | :---: | :-------: | | andrew-aiken | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:22.0 +00:00:00 | | nronnei | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:28.0 +00:00:00 | | ribejara-te | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:44.0 +00:00:00 | | tall3n | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:51.0 +00:00:00 | | adionisio8 | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:04.0 +00:00:00 | | npwolf | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:12.0 +00:00:00 | | oliver-vini | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:15.0 +00:00:00 | | KyriosGN0 | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:18.0 +00:00:00 | | elft3r | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:58:54.0 +00:00:00 | | kubiclayer | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:59:44.0 +00:00:00 | | commarla | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:00:58.0 +00:00:00 | | lukemassa | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:01:57.0 +00:00:00 | | Vlaaaaaaad | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:03:26.0 +00:00:00 | | AndrewChemis | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:05:04.0 +00:00:00 | | brint | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:06:28.0 +00:00:00 | | ohad1282 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:07:41.0 +00:00:00 | | aeells | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:09:46.0 +00:00:00 | | cube2222 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:17:18.0 +00:00:00 | | lkysow | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:20:19.0 +00:00:00 | | chasestech | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:22:17.0 +00:00:00 | | osterman | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:26:07.0 +00:00:00 | | stasostrovskyi | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:30:20.0 +00:00:00 | | chenrui333 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:40:10.0 +00:00:00 | | David-Miller-Bose | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:43:14.0 +00:00:00 | | bnjns | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:44:31.0 +00:00:00 | | ilee-asapp | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:48:50.0 +00:00:00 | | xbglowx | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:53:04.0 +00:00:00 | | jreslock | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:55:31.0 +00:00:00 | | joshraub-bw | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:10.0 +00:00:00 | | rtan-ml | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:24.0 +00:00:00 | | jameshounshell | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:34.0 +00:00:00 | | ccureau | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:02:19.0 +00:00:00 | | mikedougherty | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:02:27.0 +00:00:00 | | mholttech | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:13:04.0 +00:00:00 | | AndreZiviani | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:32:46.0 +00:00:00 | | DillonN | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:39:04.0 +00:00:00 | | kcarrillorhoads | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:58:08.0 +00:00:00 | | managedkaos | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:21:50.0 +00:00:00 | | johanneswuerbach | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:32:46.0 +00:00:00 | | ehakan | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:39:52.0 +00:00:00 | | michaelj-smith | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:41:13.0 +00:00:00 | | mubarak-j | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:45:13.0 +00:00:00 | | CpuID | In favor | 2024-06-11 21:18:51.0 +00:00:00 | | minamijoyo | In favor | 2024-06-11 22:35:26.0 +00:00:00 | | venkatamutyala | In favor | 2024-06-12 0:37:25.0 +00:00:00 | | DavidGamba | In favor | 2024-06-12 3:19:35.0 +00:00:00 | | jamengual | In favor | 2024-06-12 3:41:25.0 +00:00:00 | | JesusRo | In favor | 2024-06-12 5:25:33.0 +00:00:00 | | kickthemooon | In favor | 2024-06-12 5:59:18.0 +00:00:00 | | KeepItSimpleStupid | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:04:54.0 +00:00:00 | | Symbianx | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:34:30.0 +00:00:00 | | webratz | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:55:57.0 +00:00:00 | | dgo-ableton | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:58:54.0 +00:00:00 | | d-costa | In favor | 2024-06-12 8:37:46.0 +00:00:00 | | mwarkentin | In favor | 2024-06-12 10:03:36.0 +00:00:00 | | Yantrio | In favor | 2024-06-12 10:57:23.0 +00:00:00 | | micke | In favor | 2024-06-12 11:38:44.0 +00:00:00 | | PopeyeTheSai10r | In favor | 2024-06-12 11:40:58.0 +00:00:00 | | jma-amboss | In favor | 2024-06-12 12:11:35.0 +00:00:00 | | endriu0 | In favor | 2024-06-12 12:26:08.0 +00:00:00 | | Jeinhaus | In favor | 2024-06-12 13:25:37.0 +00:00:00 | | davenicoll | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:00:37.0 +00:00:00 | | pascal89 | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:02:18.0 +00:00:00 | | haytham-salhi | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:08:01.0 +00:00:00 | | ericofusco | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:09:03.0 +00:00:00 | | snowsky | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:37:50.0 +00:00:00 | | kevbo | In favor | 2024-06-12 15:41:28.0 +00:00:00 | | rpuig-bg | In favor | 2024-06-12 16:35:52.0 +00:00:00 | | janhoon | In favor | 2024-06-12 16:49:51.0 +00:00:00 | | tweeks-reify | In favor | 2024-06-12 17:05:31.0 +00:00:00 | | mbeacom | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:04:47.0 +00:00:00 | | taylorturner | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:33:55.0 +00:00:00 | | tamsky | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:34:11.0 +00:00:00 | | nayeem-viv | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:56:14.0 +00:00:00 | | VasquezSRE | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:56:33.0 +00:00:00 | | modesvops | In favor | 2024-06-12 19:03:15.0 +00:00:00 | | ivarmedi | In favor | 2024-06-12 19:07:48.0 +00:00:00 | | tampakrap | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:04:37.0 +00:00:00 | | william-richard | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:07:28.0 +00:00:00 | | colinodell | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:09:42.0 +00:00:00 | | swade1987 | In favor | 2024-06-12 22:07:23.0 +00:00:00 | | Gabryel8818 | In favor | 2024-06-12 22:35:56.0 +00:00:00 | | kuritz | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:10:50.0 +00:00:00 | | GenPage | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:17:21.0 +00:00:00 | | joshsizer | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:34:35.0 +00:00:00 | | alvinatin | In favor | 2024-06-13 4:36:28.0 +00:00:00 | | iamkeshav00 | In favor | 2024-06-13 6:11:54.0 +00:00:00 | | simonrondelez | In favor | 2024-06-13 8:47:55.0 +00:00:00 | | serhatperkmen | In favor | 2024-06-13 8:58:55.0 +00:00:00 | | devjadeja-simform | In favor | 2024-06-13 9:38:52.0 +00:00:00 | | ferhatc-cisco | In favor | 2024-06-13 9:40:50.0 +00:00:00 | | ttretau | In favor | 2024-06-13 10:23:39.0 +00:00:00 | | bernard0le | In favor | 2024-06-13 12:31:19.0 +00:00:00 | | jullianow | In favor | 2024-06-13 13:20:31.0 +00:00:00 | | Aechrok | In favor | 2024-06-13 13:44:23.0 +00:00:00 | | shayki5 | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:00:41.0 +00:00:00 | | PerGon | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:20:40.0 +00:00:00 | | mtavaresmedeiros | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:22:02.0 +00:00:00 | | tom-256 | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:32:50.0 +00:00:00 | | teerakarna | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:39:19.0 +00:00:00 | | eitchugo | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:49:44.0 +00:00:00 | | pauvilella | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:54:23.0 +00:00:00 | | radumalica | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:55:37.0 +00:00:00 | | michelmzs | In favor | 2024-06-13 16:08:51.0 +00:00:00 | | flaudisio | In favor | 2024-06-13 16:58:26.0 +00:00:00 | | brunoxd13 | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:04:19.0 +00:00:00 | | ebarros29 | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:21:04.0 +00:00:00 | | Tmanoche | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:34:49.0 +00:00:00 | | dhananjay-earnest | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:35:45.0 +00:00:00 | | paulerickson | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:46:15.0 +00:00:00 | | szesch | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:56:36.0 +00:00:00 | | luis-giraldo | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:59:16.0 +00:00:00 | | doodzik | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:03:34.0 +00:00:00 | | johnB96 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:23:46.0 +00:00:00 | | thomasv314 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:24:39.0 +00:00:00 | | nikanand1993 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:24:51.0 +00:00:00 | | ryanrf | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:26:19.0 +00:00:00 | | miles- | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:29:28.0 +00:00:00 | | FrankKerschbaumer3 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:41:31.0 +00:00:00 | | gcardonag | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:03:56.0 +00:00:00 | | Balsir | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:26:05.0 +00:00:00 | | Mattsky | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:32:09.0 +00:00:00 | | quixoticmonk | In favor | 2024-06-13 21:13:10.0 +00:00:00 | | amontalban | In favor | 2024-06-14 0:06:31.0 +00:00:00 | | t-miyak | In favor | 2024-06-14 3:26:24.0 +00:00:00 | | svanzoest | In favor | 2024-06-14 3:40:00.0 +00:00:00 | | romelBen | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:08:42.0 +00:00:00 | | paikend | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:52:11.0 +00:00:00 | | morisekntr | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:53:12.0 +00:00:00 | | kevin-namba | In favor | 2024-06-14 7:20:11.0 +00:00:00 | | khayashi-cq | In favor | 2024-06-14 7:34:43.0 +00:00:00 | | cacciald-n26 | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:30:04.0 +00:00:00 | | artpasut | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:37:54.0 +00:00:00 | | Webgardener | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:49:15.0 +00:00:00 | | schlumpfit | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:10:52.0 +00:00:00 | | donofriov | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:16:45.0 +00:00:00 | | mrg2k8 | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:27:02.0 +00:00:00 | | aljoshare | In favor | 2024-06-14 12:02:57.0 +00:00:00 | | dkpat12 | In favor | 2024-06-14 14:19:09.0 +00:00:00 | | emmanuelstroem | In favor | 2024-06-14 15:02:03.0 +00:00:00 |
jmateusousa commented 3 weeks ago


mrbobbytables commented 3 weeks ago


git-vote[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Vote status

So far 54.55% of the users with binding vote are in favor (passing threshold: 66%).


In favor Against Abstain Not voted
6 0 0 5

Binding votes (6)

User Vote Timestamp
TheFoxAtWork In favor 2024-06-12 20:33:29.0 +00:00:00
nikhita In favor 2024-06-14 5:49:12.0 +00:00:00
rochaporto In favor 2024-06-12 9:11:03.0 +00:00:00
angellk In favor 2024-06-12 16:45:14.0 +00:00:00
cathyhongzhang In favor 2024-06-14 15:51:55.0 +00:00:00
dims In favor 2024-06-11 23:04:45.0 +00:00:00
@mauilion Pending
@linsun Pending
@dzolotusky Pending
@kevin-wangzefeng Pending
@kgamanji Pending

Non-binding votes (183)

| User | Vote | Timestamp | | ---- | :---: | :-------: | | andrew-aiken | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:22.0 +00:00:00 | | nronnei | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:28.0 +00:00:00 | | ribejara-te | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:44.0 +00:00:00 | | tall3n | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:51.0 +00:00:00 | | adionisio8 | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:04.0 +00:00:00 | | npwolf | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:12.0 +00:00:00 | | oliver-vini | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:15.0 +00:00:00 | | KyriosGN0 | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:18.0 +00:00:00 | | elft3r | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:58:54.0 +00:00:00 | | kubiclayer | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:59:44.0 +00:00:00 | | commarla | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:00:58.0 +00:00:00 | | lukemassa | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:01:57.0 +00:00:00 | | Vlaaaaaaad | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:03:26.0 +00:00:00 | | AndrewChemis | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:05:04.0 +00:00:00 | | brint | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:06:28.0 +00:00:00 | | ohad1282 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:07:41.0 +00:00:00 | | aeells | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:09:46.0 +00:00:00 | | cube2222 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:17:18.0 +00:00:00 | | lkysow | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:20:19.0 +00:00:00 | | chasestech | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:22:17.0 +00:00:00 | | osterman | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:26:07.0 +00:00:00 | | stasostrovskyi | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:30:20.0 +00:00:00 | | chenrui333 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:40:10.0 +00:00:00 | | David-Miller-Bose | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:43:14.0 +00:00:00 | | bnjns | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:44:31.0 +00:00:00 | | ilee-asapp | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:48:50.0 +00:00:00 | | xbglowx | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:53:04.0 +00:00:00 | | jreslock | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:55:31.0 +00:00:00 | | joshraub-bw | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:10.0 +00:00:00 | | rtan-ml | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:24.0 +00:00:00 | | jameshounshell | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:34.0 +00:00:00 | | ccureau | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:02:19.0 +00:00:00 | | mikedougherty | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:02:27.0 +00:00:00 | | mholttech | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:13:04.0 +00:00:00 | | AndreZiviani | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:32:46.0 +00:00:00 | | DillonN | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:39:04.0 +00:00:00 | | kcarrillorhoads | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:58:08.0 +00:00:00 | | managedkaos | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:21:50.0 +00:00:00 | | johanneswuerbach | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:32:46.0 +00:00:00 | | ehakan | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:39:52.0 +00:00:00 | | michaelj-smith | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:41:13.0 +00:00:00 | | mubarak-j | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:45:13.0 +00:00:00 | | CpuID | In favor | 2024-06-11 21:18:51.0 +00:00:00 | | minamijoyo | In favor | 2024-06-11 22:35:26.0 +00:00:00 | | venkatamutyala | In favor | 2024-06-12 0:37:25.0 +00:00:00 | | DavidGamba | In favor | 2024-06-12 3:19:35.0 +00:00:00 | | jamengual | In favor | 2024-06-12 3:41:25.0 +00:00:00 | | JesusRo | In favor | 2024-06-12 5:25:33.0 +00:00:00 | | kickthemooon | In favor | 2024-06-12 5:59:18.0 +00:00:00 | | KeepItSimpleStupid | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:04:54.0 +00:00:00 | | Symbianx | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:34:30.0 +00:00:00 | | webratz | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:55:57.0 +00:00:00 | | dgo-ableton | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:58:54.0 +00:00:00 | | d-costa | In favor | 2024-06-12 8:37:46.0 +00:00:00 | | mwarkentin | In favor | 2024-06-12 10:03:36.0 +00:00:00 | | Yantrio | In favor | 2024-06-12 10:57:23.0 +00:00:00 | | micke | In favor | 2024-06-12 11:38:44.0 +00:00:00 | | PopeyeTheSai10r | In favor | 2024-06-12 11:40:58.0 +00:00:00 | | jma-amboss | In favor | 2024-06-12 12:11:35.0 +00:00:00 | | endriu0 | In favor | 2024-06-12 12:26:08.0 +00:00:00 | | Jeinhaus | In favor | 2024-06-12 13:25:37.0 +00:00:00 | | davenicoll | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:00:37.0 +00:00:00 | | pascal89 | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:02:18.0 +00:00:00 | | haytham-salhi | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:08:01.0 +00:00:00 | | ericofusco | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:09:03.0 +00:00:00 | | snowsky | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:37:50.0 +00:00:00 | | kevbo | In favor | 2024-06-12 15:41:28.0 +00:00:00 | | rpuig-bg | In favor | 2024-06-12 16:35:52.0 +00:00:00 | | janhoon | In favor | 2024-06-12 16:49:51.0 +00:00:00 | | tweeks-reify | In favor | 2024-06-12 17:05:31.0 +00:00:00 | | mbeacom | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:04:47.0 +00:00:00 | | taylorturner | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:33:55.0 +00:00:00 | | tamsky | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:34:11.0 +00:00:00 | | nayeem-viv | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:56:14.0 +00:00:00 | | VasquezSRE | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:56:33.0 +00:00:00 | | modesvops | In favor | 2024-06-12 19:03:15.0 +00:00:00 | | ivarmedi | In favor | 2024-06-12 19:07:48.0 +00:00:00 | | tampakrap | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:04:37.0 +00:00:00 | | william-richard | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:07:28.0 +00:00:00 | | colinodell | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:09:42.0 +00:00:00 | | swade1987 | In favor | 2024-06-12 22:07:23.0 +00:00:00 | | Gabryel8818 | In favor | 2024-06-12 22:35:56.0 +00:00:00 | | kuritz | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:10:50.0 +00:00:00 | | GenPage | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:17:21.0 +00:00:00 | | joshsizer | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:34:35.0 +00:00:00 | | alvinatin | In favor | 2024-06-13 4:36:28.0 +00:00:00 | | iamkeshav00 | In favor | 2024-06-13 6:11:54.0 +00:00:00 | | simonrondelez | In favor | 2024-06-13 8:47:55.0 +00:00:00 | | serhatperkmen | In favor | 2024-06-13 8:58:55.0 +00:00:00 | | devjadeja-simform | In favor | 2024-06-13 9:38:52.0 +00:00:00 | | ferhatc-cisco | In favor | 2024-06-13 9:40:50.0 +00:00:00 | | ttretau | In favor | 2024-06-13 10:23:39.0 +00:00:00 | | bernard0le | In favor | 2024-06-13 12:31:19.0 +00:00:00 | | jullianow | In favor | 2024-06-13 13:20:31.0 +00:00:00 | | Aechrok | In favor | 2024-06-13 13:44:23.0 +00:00:00 | | shayki5 | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:00:41.0 +00:00:00 | | PerGon | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:20:40.0 +00:00:00 | | mtavaresmedeiros | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:22:02.0 +00:00:00 | | tom-256 | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:32:50.0 +00:00:00 | | teerakarna | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:39:19.0 +00:00:00 | | eitchugo | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:49:44.0 +00:00:00 | | pauvilella | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:54:23.0 +00:00:00 | | radumalica | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:55:37.0 +00:00:00 | | michelmzs | In favor | 2024-06-13 16:08:51.0 +00:00:00 | | flaudisio | In favor | 2024-06-13 16:58:26.0 +00:00:00 | | brunoxd13 | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:04:19.0 +00:00:00 | | ebarros29 | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:21:04.0 +00:00:00 | | Tmanoche | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:34:49.0 +00:00:00 | | dhananjay-earnest | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:35:45.0 +00:00:00 | | paulerickson | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:46:15.0 +00:00:00 | | szesch | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:56:36.0 +00:00:00 | | luis-giraldo | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:59:16.0 +00:00:00 | | doodzik | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:03:34.0 +00:00:00 | | johnB96 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:23:46.0 +00:00:00 | | thomasv314 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:24:39.0 +00:00:00 | | nikanand1993 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:24:51.0 +00:00:00 | | ryanrf | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:26:19.0 +00:00:00 | | miles- | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:29:28.0 +00:00:00 | | FrankKerschbaumer3 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:41:31.0 +00:00:00 | | gcardonag | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:03:56.0 +00:00:00 | | Balsir | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:26:05.0 +00:00:00 | | Mattsky | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:32:09.0 +00:00:00 | | quixoticmonk | In favor | 2024-06-13 21:13:10.0 +00:00:00 | | amontalban | In favor | 2024-06-14 0:06:31.0 +00:00:00 | | t-miyak | In favor | 2024-06-14 3:26:24.0 +00:00:00 | | svanzoest | In favor | 2024-06-14 3:40:00.0 +00:00:00 | | romelBen | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:08:42.0 +00:00:00 | | paikend | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:52:11.0 +00:00:00 | | morisekntr | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:53:12.0 +00:00:00 | | kevin-namba | In favor | 2024-06-14 7:20:11.0 +00:00:00 | | khayashi-cq | In favor | 2024-06-14 7:34:43.0 +00:00:00 | | cacciald-n26 | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:30:04.0 +00:00:00 | | artpasut | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:37:54.0 +00:00:00 | | Webgardener | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:49:15.0 +00:00:00 | | schlumpfit | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:10:52.0 +00:00:00 | | donofriov | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:16:45.0 +00:00:00 | | mrg2k8 | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:27:02.0 +00:00:00 | | aljoshare | In favor | 2024-06-14 12:02:57.0 +00:00:00 | | dkpat12 | In favor | 2024-06-14 14:19:09.0 +00:00:00 | | emmanuelstroem | In favor | 2024-06-14 15:02:03.0 +00:00:00 | | asci13 | In favor | 2024-06-14 15:32:42.0 +00:00:00 | | hungran | In favor | 2024-06-14 15:38:24.0 +00:00:00 | | davidegiunchi | In favor | 2024-06-14 16:25:12.0 +00:00:00 | | eshack94 | In favor | 2024-06-14 17:27:18.0 +00:00:00 | | bogdan-fusa-visma | In favor | 2024-06-14 17:35:29.0 +00:00:00 | | joshuashanks-sentilink | In favor | 2024-06-14 17:58:46.0 +00:00:00 | | jobicoppola | In favor | 2024-06-14 18:15:30.0 +00:00:00 | | nweddle | In favor | 2024-06-14 18:23:00.0 +00:00:00 | | igaskin | In favor | 2024-06-14 18:43:33.0 +00:00:00 | | zepeng811 | In favor | 2024-06-14 18:46:59.0 +00:00:00 | | gustavo-te | In favor | 2024-06-14 19:05:10.0 +00:00:00 | | 55octet | In favor | 2024-06-14 19:25:15.0 +00:00:00 | | krrrr38 | In favor | 2024-06-14 19:46:31.0 +00:00:00 | | oponomarov-tu | In favor | 2024-06-14 20:56:34.0 +00:00:00 | | markmasl | In favor | 2024-06-14 22:40:11.0 +00:00:00 | | fullykubed | In favor | 2024-06-14 23:41:08.0 +00:00:00 | | TinyTrung | In favor | 2024-06-15 3:02:02.0 +00:00:00 | | junhyeok-moloco | In favor | 2024-06-15 6:47:59.0 +00:00:00 | | tylerlowe | In favor | 2024-06-15 10:37:43.0 +00:00:00 | | Josephred999 | In favor | 2024-06-15 12:54:07.0 +00:00:00 | | ShankyJS | In favor | 2024-06-15 17:30:16.0 +00:00:00 | | waltervargas | In favor | 2024-06-15 18:06:27.0 +00:00:00 | | FahmimRezuan | In favor | 2024-06-15 22:20:38.0 +00:00:00 | | jonathanhle | In favor | 2024-06-15 23:14:44.0 +00:00:00 | | FindTheRealMe | In favor | 2024-06-16 6:26:47.0 +00:00:00 | | neerfri | In favor | 2024-06-16 12:48:55.0 +00:00:00 | | bmonty | In favor | 2024-06-16 15:43:27.0 +00:00:00 | | plunkettscott | In favor | 2024-06-17 3:33:54.0 +00:00:00 | | ahasna | In favor | 2024-06-17 3:50:56.0 +00:00:00 | | wdxxl | In favor | 2024-06-17 4:05:50.0 +00:00:00 | | 81887821 | In favor | 2024-06-17 5:58:44.0 +00:00:00 | | Edu-DevOps | In favor | 2024-06-17 7:01:28.0 +00:00:00 | | smalltown | In favor | 2024-06-17 7:29:06.0 +00:00:00 | | Nexus357ZA | In favor | 2024-06-17 7:37:58.0 +00:00:00 | | AndrNgg | In favor | 2024-06-17 7:51:30.0 +00:00:00 | | bombergio | In favor | 2024-06-17 8:09:15.0 +00:00:00 | | ritaCanavarro | In favor | 2024-06-17 8:42:10.0 +00:00:00 | | Brunomachadob | In favor | 2024-06-17 10:41:52.0 +00:00:00 | | Gilk260 | In favor | 2024-06-17 10:43:11.0 +00:00:00 | | sumitdhameja | In favor | 2024-06-17 14:00:10.0 +00:00:00 | | victorlupuseli | In favor | 2024-06-17 14:51:14.0 +00:00:00 | | nerdingas-armaitis | In favor | 2024-06-17 17:01:29.0 +00:00:00 | | chicocvenancio | In favor | 2024-06-17 17:31:30.0 +00:00:00 |
jamengual commented 3 weeks ago


git-vote[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Votes can only be checked once a day.

git-vote[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Vote closed

The vote passed! πŸŽ‰

81.82% of the users with binding vote were in favor (passing threshold: 66%).


In favor Against Abstain Not voted
9 0 0 2

Binding votes (9)

User Vote Timestamp
@dims In favor 2024-06-11 23:04:45.0 +00:00:00
@cathyhongzhang In favor 2024-06-14 15:51:55.0 +00:00:00
@TheFoxAtWork In favor 2024-06-12 20:33:29.0 +00:00:00
@kevin-wangzefeng In favor 2024-06-18 2:02:32.0 +00:00:00
@kgamanji In favor 2024-06-18 6:37:43.0 +00:00:00
@nikhita In favor 2024-06-14 5:49:12.0 +00:00:00
@dzolotusky In favor 2024-06-18 4:09:12.0 +00:00:00
@rochaporto In favor 2024-06-12 9:11:03.0 +00:00:00
@angellk In favor 2024-06-12 16:45:14.0 +00:00:00

Non-binding votes (201)

| User | Vote | Timestamp | | ---- | :---: | :-------: | | @andrew-aiken | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:22.0 +00:00:00 | | @nronnei | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:28.0 +00:00:00 | | @ribejara-te | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:44.0 +00:00:00 | | @tall3n | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:56:51.0 +00:00:00 | | @adionisio8 | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:04.0 +00:00:00 | | @npwolf | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:12.0 +00:00:00 | | @oliver-vini | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:15.0 +00:00:00 | | @KyriosGN0 | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:57:18.0 +00:00:00 | | @elft3r | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:58:54.0 +00:00:00 | | @kubiclayer | In favor | 2024-06-11 16:59:44.0 +00:00:00 | | @commarla | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:00:58.0 +00:00:00 | | @lukemassa | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:01:57.0 +00:00:00 | | @Vlaaaaaaad | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:03:26.0 +00:00:00 | | @AndrewChemis | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:05:04.0 +00:00:00 | | @brint | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:06:28.0 +00:00:00 | | @ohad1282 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:07:41.0 +00:00:00 | | @aeells | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:09:46.0 +00:00:00 | | @cube2222 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:17:18.0 +00:00:00 | | @lkysow | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:20:19.0 +00:00:00 | | @chasestech | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:22:17.0 +00:00:00 | | @osterman | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:26:07.0 +00:00:00 | | @stasostrovskyi | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:30:20.0 +00:00:00 | | @chenrui333 | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:40:10.0 +00:00:00 | | @David-Miller-Bose | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:43:14.0 +00:00:00 | | @bnjns | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:44:31.0 +00:00:00 | | @ilee-asapp | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:48:50.0 +00:00:00 | | @xbglowx | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:53:04.0 +00:00:00 | | @jreslock | In favor | 2024-06-11 17:55:31.0 +00:00:00 | | @joshraub-bw | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:10.0 +00:00:00 | | @rtan-ml | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:24.0 +00:00:00 | | @jameshounshell | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:00:34.0 +00:00:00 | | @ccureau | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:02:19.0 +00:00:00 | | @mikedougherty | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:02:27.0 +00:00:00 | | @mholttech | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:13:04.0 +00:00:00 | | @AndreZiviani | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:32:46.0 +00:00:00 | | @DillonN | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:39:04.0 +00:00:00 | | @kcarrillorhoads | In favor | 2024-06-11 18:58:08.0 +00:00:00 | | @managedkaos | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:21:50.0 +00:00:00 | | @johanneswuerbach | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:32:46.0 +00:00:00 | | @ehakan | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:39:52.0 +00:00:00 | | @michaelj-smith | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:41:13.0 +00:00:00 | | @mubarak-j | In favor | 2024-06-11 19:45:13.0 +00:00:00 | | @CpuID | In favor | 2024-06-11 21:18:51.0 +00:00:00 | | @minamijoyo | In favor | 2024-06-11 22:35:26.0 +00:00:00 | | @venkatamutyala | In favor | 2024-06-12 0:37:25.0 +00:00:00 | | @DavidGamba | In favor | 2024-06-12 3:19:35.0 +00:00:00 | | @jamengual | In favor | 2024-06-12 3:41:25.0 +00:00:00 | | @JesusRo | In favor | 2024-06-12 5:25:33.0 +00:00:00 | | @kickthemooon | In favor | 2024-06-12 5:59:18.0 +00:00:00 | | @KeepItSimpleStupid | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:04:54.0 +00:00:00 | | @Symbianx | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:34:30.0 +00:00:00 | | @webratz | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:55:57.0 +00:00:00 | | @dgo-ableton | In favor | 2024-06-12 7:58:54.0 +00:00:00 | | @d-costa | In favor | 2024-06-12 8:37:46.0 +00:00:00 | | @mwarkentin | In favor | 2024-06-12 10:03:36.0 +00:00:00 | | @Yantrio | In favor | 2024-06-12 10:57:23.0 +00:00:00 | | @micke | In favor | 2024-06-12 11:38:44.0 +00:00:00 | | @PopeyeTheSai10r | In favor | 2024-06-12 11:40:58.0 +00:00:00 | | @jma-amboss | In favor | 2024-06-12 12:11:35.0 +00:00:00 | | @endriu0 | In favor | 2024-06-12 12:26:08.0 +00:00:00 | | @Jeinhaus | In favor | 2024-06-12 13:25:37.0 +00:00:00 | | @davenicoll | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:00:37.0 +00:00:00 | | @pascal89 | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:02:18.0 +00:00:00 | | @haytham-salhi | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:08:01.0 +00:00:00 | | @ericofusco | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:09:03.0 +00:00:00 | | @snowsky | In favor | 2024-06-12 14:37:50.0 +00:00:00 | | @kevbo | In favor | 2024-06-12 15:41:28.0 +00:00:00 | | @rpuig-bg | In favor | 2024-06-12 16:35:52.0 +00:00:00 | | @janhoon | In favor | 2024-06-12 16:49:51.0 +00:00:00 | | @tweeks-reify | In favor | 2024-06-12 17:05:31.0 +00:00:00 | | @mbeacom | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:04:47.0 +00:00:00 | | @taylorturner | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:33:55.0 +00:00:00 | | @tamsky | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:34:11.0 +00:00:00 | | @nayeem-viv | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:56:14.0 +00:00:00 | | @VasquezSRE | In favor | 2024-06-12 18:56:33.0 +00:00:00 | | @modesvops | In favor | 2024-06-12 19:03:15.0 +00:00:00 | | @ivarmedi | In favor | 2024-06-12 19:07:48.0 +00:00:00 | | @tampakrap | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:04:37.0 +00:00:00 | | @william-richard | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:07:28.0 +00:00:00 | | @colinodell | In favor | 2024-06-12 20:09:42.0 +00:00:00 | | @swade1987 | In favor | 2024-06-12 22:07:23.0 +00:00:00 | | @Gabryel8818 | In favor | 2024-06-12 22:35:56.0 +00:00:00 | | @kuritz | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:10:50.0 +00:00:00 | | @GenPage | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:17:21.0 +00:00:00 | | @joshsizer | In favor | 2024-06-13 1:34:35.0 +00:00:00 | | @alvinatin | In favor | 2024-06-13 4:36:28.0 +00:00:00 | | @iamkeshav00 | In favor | 2024-06-13 6:11:54.0 +00:00:00 | | @simonrondelez | In favor | 2024-06-13 8:47:55.0 +00:00:00 | | @serhatperkmen | In favor | 2024-06-13 8:58:55.0 +00:00:00 | | @devjadeja-simform | In favor | 2024-06-13 9:38:52.0 +00:00:00 | | @ferhatc-cisco | In favor | 2024-06-13 9:40:50.0 +00:00:00 | | @ttretau | In favor | 2024-06-13 10:23:39.0 +00:00:00 | | @bernard0le | In favor | 2024-06-13 12:31:19.0 +00:00:00 | | @jullianow | In favor | 2024-06-13 13:20:31.0 +00:00:00 | | @Aechrok | In favor | 2024-06-13 13:44:23.0 +00:00:00 | | @shayki5 | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:00:41.0 +00:00:00 | | @PerGon | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:20:40.0 +00:00:00 | | @mtavaresmedeiros | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:22:02.0 +00:00:00 | | @tom-256 | In favor | 2024-06-13 14:32:50.0 +00:00:00 | | @teerakarna | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:39:19.0 +00:00:00 | | @eitchugo | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:49:44.0 +00:00:00 | | @pauvilella | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:54:23.0 +00:00:00 | | @radumalica | In favor | 2024-06-13 15:55:37.0 +00:00:00 | | @michelmzs | In favor | 2024-06-13 16:08:51.0 +00:00:00 | | @flaudisio | In favor | 2024-06-13 16:58:26.0 +00:00:00 | | @brunoxd13 | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:04:19.0 +00:00:00 | | @ebarros29 | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:21:04.0 +00:00:00 | | @Tmanoche | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:34:49.0 +00:00:00 | | @dhananjay-earnest | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:35:45.0 +00:00:00 | | @paulerickson | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:46:15.0 +00:00:00 | | @szesch | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:56:36.0 +00:00:00 | | @luis-giraldo | In favor | 2024-06-13 17:59:16.0 +00:00:00 | | @doodzik | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:03:34.0 +00:00:00 | | @johnB96 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:23:46.0 +00:00:00 | | @thomasv314 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:24:39.0 +00:00:00 | | @nikanand1993 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:24:51.0 +00:00:00 | | @ryanrf | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:26:19.0 +00:00:00 | | @miles- | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:29:28.0 +00:00:00 | | @FrankKerschbaumer3 | In favor | 2024-06-13 18:41:31.0 +00:00:00 | | @gcardonag | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:03:56.0 +00:00:00 | | @Balsir | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:26:05.0 +00:00:00 | | @Mattsky | In favor | 2024-06-13 19:32:09.0 +00:00:00 | | @quixoticmonk | In favor | 2024-06-13 21:13:10.0 +00:00:00 | | @amontalban | In favor | 2024-06-14 0:06:31.0 +00:00:00 | | @t-miyak | In favor | 2024-06-14 3:26:24.0 +00:00:00 | | @svanzoest | In favor | 2024-06-14 3:40:00.0 +00:00:00 | | @romelBen | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:08:42.0 +00:00:00 | | @paikend | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:52:11.0 +00:00:00 | | @morisekntr | In favor | 2024-06-14 6:53:12.0 +00:00:00 | | @kevin-namba | In favor | 2024-06-14 7:20:11.0 +00:00:00 | | @khayashi-cq | In favor | 2024-06-14 7:34:43.0 +00:00:00 | | @cacciald-n26 | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:30:04.0 +00:00:00 | | @artpasut | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:37:54.0 +00:00:00 | | @Webgardener | In favor | 2024-06-14 8:49:15.0 +00:00:00 | | @schlumpfit | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:10:52.0 +00:00:00 | | @donofriov | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:16:45.0 +00:00:00 | | @mrg2k8 | In favor | 2024-06-14 9:27:02.0 +00:00:00 | | @aljoshare | In favor | 2024-06-14 12:02:57.0 +00:00:00 | | @dkpat12 | In favor | 2024-06-14 14:19:09.0 +00:00:00 | | @emmanuelstroem | In favor | 2024-06-14 15:02:03.0 +00:00:00 | | @asci13 | In favor | 2024-06-14 15:32:42.0 +00:00:00 | | @hungran | In favor | 2024-06-14 15:38:24.0 +00:00:00 | | @davidegiunchi | In favor | 2024-06-14 16:25:12.0 +00:00:00 | | @eshack94 | In favor | 2024-06-14 17:27:18.0 +00:00:00 | | @bogdan-fusa-visma | In favor | 2024-06-14 17:35:29.0 +00:00:00 | | @joshuashanks-sentilink | In favor | 2024-06-14 17:58:46.0 +00:00:00 | | @jobicoppola | In favor | 2024-06-14 18:15:30.0 +00:00:00 | | @nweddle | In favor | 2024-06-14 18:23:00.0 +00:00:00 | | @igaskin | In favor | 2024-06-14 18:43:33.0 +00:00:00 | | @zepeng811 | In favor | 2024-06-14 18:46:59.0 +00:00:00 | | @gustavo-te | In favor | 2024-06-14 19:05:10.0 +00:00:00 | | @55octet | In favor | 2024-06-14 19:25:15.0 +00:00:00 | | @krrrr38 | In favor | 2024-06-14 19:46:31.0 +00:00:00 | | @oponomarov-tu | In favor | 2024-06-14 20:56:34.0 +00:00:00 | | @markmasl | In favor | 2024-06-14 22:40:11.0 +00:00:00 | | @fullykubed | In favor | 2024-06-14 23:41:08.0 +00:00:00 | | @TinyTrung | In favor | 2024-06-15 3:02:02.0 +00:00:00 | | @junhyeok-moloco | In favor | 2024-06-15 6:47:59.0 +00:00:00 | | @tylerlowe | In favor | 2024-06-15 10:37:43.0 +00:00:00 | | @Josephred999 | In favor | 2024-06-15 12:54:07.0 +00:00:00 | | @ShankyJS | In favor | 2024-06-15 17:30:16.0 +00:00:00 | | @waltervargas | In favor | 2024-06-15 18:06:27.0 +00:00:00 | | @FahmimRezuan | In favor | 2024-06-15 22:20:38.0 +00:00:00 | | @jonathanhle | In favor | 2024-06-15 23:14:44.0 +00:00:00 | | @FindTheRealMe | In favor | 2024-06-16 6:26:47.0 +00:00:00 | | @neerfri | In favor | 2024-06-16 12:48:55.0 +00:00:00 | | @bmonty | In favor | 2024-06-16 15:43:27.0 +00:00:00 | | @plunkettscott | In favor | 2024-06-17 3:33:54.0 +00:00:00 | | @ahasna | In favor | 2024-06-17 3:50:56.0 +00:00:00 | | @wdxxl | In favor | 2024-06-17 4:05:50.0 +00:00:00 | | @81887821 | In favor | 2024-06-17 5:58:44.0 +00:00:00 | | @Edu-DevOps | In favor | 2024-06-17 7:01:28.0 +00:00:00 | | @smalltown | In favor | 2024-06-17 7:29:06.0 +00:00:00 | | @Nexus357ZA | In favor | 2024-06-17 7:37:58.0 +00:00:00 | | @AndrNgg | In favor | 2024-06-17 7:51:30.0 +00:00:00 | | @bombergio | In favor | 2024-06-17 8:09:15.0 +00:00:00 | | @ritaCanavarro | In favor | 2024-06-17 8:42:10.0 +00:00:00 | | @Brunomachadob | In favor | 2024-06-17 10:41:52.0 +00:00:00 | | @Gilk260 | In favor | 2024-06-17 10:43:11.0 +00:00:00 | | @sumitdhameja | In favor | 2024-06-17 14:00:10.0 +00:00:00 | | @victorlupuseli | In favor | 2024-06-17 14:51:14.0 +00:00:00 | | @nerdingas-armaitis | In favor | 2024-06-17 17:01:29.0 +00:00:00 | | @chicocvenancio | In favor | 2024-06-17 17:31:30.0 +00:00:00 | | @cwstrommer | In favor | 2024-06-17 18:22:52.0 +00:00:00 | | @msxdan | In favor | 2024-06-17 19:30:04.0 +00:00:00 | | @phildier | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:06:54.0 +00:00:00 | | @Chigg | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:15:57.0 +00:00:00 | | @markellisdev | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:16:36.0 +00:00:00 | | @ern-z | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:16:39.0 +00:00:00 | | @aguashui | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:16:55.0 +00:00:00 | | @yashodhara99 | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:17:34.0 +00:00:00 | | @NicLee0521 | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:17:48.0 +00:00:00 | | @chrisguitarguy | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:19:02.0 +00:00:00 | | @aaa1008 | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:30:09.0 +00:00:00 | | @jena-cameron | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:31:56.0 +00:00:00 | | @Tani-Shah | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:33:30.0 +00:00:00 | | @aliciazavala | In favor | 2024-06-17 21:34:01.0 +00:00:00 | | @jbuck | In favor | 2024-06-17 22:47:14.0 +00:00:00 | | @rbomfimpro | In favor | 2024-06-18 1:41:31.0 +00:00:00 | | @edbizarro | In favor | 2024-06-18 2:40:16.0 +00:00:00 | | @yutachaos | In favor | 2024-06-18 4:27:38.0 +00:00:00 |
chenrui333 commented 3 weeks ago

This is exciting!! πŸ’― Thanks everyone for helping us move forward. πŸ˜„

jamengual commented 3 weeks ago

I eco @chenrui333, thanks again for the support and please keep guiding us through the process.

This is the start of an exciting long journey with the project.

AtharvaBondre commented 2 weeks ago

Big supporter of Atlantis, have been using the product, and want it to go forward and big!

Cmierly commented 1 day ago

Hello and congrats on being accepted as a CNCF Sandbox project!

Here is the link to your onboarding task list:

Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have!