cncf / tag-contributor-strategy

CNCF Technical Advisory Group on Contributor Strategy -- maintainer relations, building up contributors, governance, graduation, and more.
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[Governance Review]: Tekton #635

Open afrittoli opened 2 months ago

afrittoli commented 2 months ago

Project Name


Project Website

Contact Details 1


Contact Details 2


Links to communication channels

Reason for governance review request

Other (please specify in the “Additional Notes” input at the end of this form)

Are there any sub-projects, plugins, and related?

Tekton is made of several subprojects: pipeline, triggers, cli, dashboard, operator, chains, catalog

Governance model

The Tekton Governing Board (GB) is the governing body of the Tekton open source project. It's an elected group that represents the contributors to the project, and has oversight on governance and technical matters. The Governing Board adopts a principle of maximum representation, which avoids any company representing more than 40% of the GB. The Tekton GB defines and maintains the project contributor ladder, which identifies several roles for contributors, the requirements and responsibilities of each role and how to transition between them. Tekton is made up of several sub-projects. Each sub-project either adopts the complete contributor ladder, or in some the project may adopt a simplified contributor ladder, which is done for instance by the teams that maintains the website and the CI/CD infrastructure. All communication happens in the open, working group meetings are public and recorded. The decision-making process is formalised through the "Tekton Enhancement Proposal" (TEP) process. Approvals are required by representatives of at least two different companies, to ensure vendor neutrality. More details are available in the governance documentation and the community repository.

Governance documents

Governance Execution Examples

Governance Evolution

The governance has evolved over time, here are some changes that happened:

Any specific aspects of your governance structure are you seeking feedback on?

Nothing specifically.

Do you have any concerns or specific areas where you feel your governance could be improved?

No response

Additional notes and resources

The reason for this governance review request is "CNCF Incubation acceptance application". Tekton application on the TOC repo:

aliok commented 2 months ago

I want to do this work!