cncf / tag-contributor-strategy

CNCF Technical Advisory Group on Contributor Strategy -- maintainer relations, building up contributors, governance, graduation, and more.
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[Governance Review]: cert-manager #675

Open maelvls opened 1 month ago

maelvls commented 1 month ago

Project Name


Project Website

Contact Details 1


Contact Details 2


Links to communication channels (channel cert-manager-dev in the Kubernetes Slack)

Reason for governance review request

Application for moving levels from Incubation to Graduation

Are there any sub-projects, plugins, and related?

The project includes the following notable sub-projects:

Governance model

Our governance model is inspired from the CNCF template Maintainer Council with the addition of a steering committee made of end-users and (soon to be elected) maintainers.

The idea behind the steering committee is to counter-balance the fact that all the current maintainers are either employed by the same vendor or ex-employees of that same vendor.

Governance documents

Governance Execution Examples

The biweekly dev meeting recordings are available on the cert-manager YouTube channel.

The quarterly steering committee recordings are listed under "Past Meetings" in the page.

Votes from maintainers:

Discussions with the steering committee:

Governance Evolution

We haven't made adjustments to the steering committee charter nor the governance charter yet.

Any specific aspects of your governance structure are you seeking feedback on?

We would like to receive feedback on the way we intend to balance the fact that most of the maintainers are employed by the same vendor. What do you think about our steering committee model? The concern is that we haven't found a good way to give the steering committee a good amount of ownership and power over the project.

Do you have any concerns or specific areas where you feel your governance could be improved?

We have discussed multiple concerns over the past 6 months:

Additional notes and resources

On 3 May 2024, we had an initial meeting with TAG Contributor Strategy:

Meeting notes: here. Recording:

jberkus commented 1 month ago

I've started on this review.


SgtCoDFish commented 1 month ago

Thanks Josh! If you need anything from us don't hesitate to ask and we'll do everything we can 😁

SgtCoDFish commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @jberkus - thanks again for looking into this!

I'm just wondering about the timeline for this? Not trying to rush you at all - I know we're all busy! My question mainly comes from this being one of the last things we need before going to a public comment period, and we're really hoping to get graduated before KubeCon NA if at all possible so the timelines are getting tighter for us.

As above, if there's anything we can do that would be helpful we'd be glad to help!

jberkus commented 3 weeks ago

I'm planning to finish it this week. Your setup is pretty straightforwards, it's just a question of available time.

SgtCoDFish commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks very much Josh, appreciate it! 👍

jberkus commented 3 weeks ago

Draft is done, see link.