cncf / tag-env-sustainability

🌳🌍♻️ TAG Environmental Sustainability
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[Action] Schedule a monthly Asia friendly TAG meeting #323

Open leonardpahlke opened 5 months ago

leonardpahlke commented 5 months ago

We would like to start monthly Asia friendly meetings and need to find a timeslot that fit. The meeting can either be Europe + Asia friendly or North America + Asia friendly. The meeting should serve folks in China, Korea, India, Australia and any other Asia countries to attend and participate in the TAG.

  1. Send out a Doodle or similar link to the TAG to vote on a new meeting time.
  2. Promote the doodle to folks in the Asia area
  3. Discuss with the TAG Leads the results, find available hosts (min 2) and get the new meeting scheduled.

fyi @cncf/tag-env-sustainability

leonardpahlke commented 5 months ago

cc @caradelia @patricia-cahill

guidemetothemoon commented 5 months ago

A quick update after today's WG Comms discussion - @caradelia will create and share a Doodle and I'll be happy to cross-share it on the TAG's social media to reach a broader community.

caradelia commented 5 months ago

Created a Doodle poll: and sent out today to #tag-environmental-sustainability in Slack. Will also send vial mailing list.

SamYuan1990 commented 5 months ago

I am not sure if we can extend the poll after Lunar new year. I am planning translate into Chinese and publish it on local social media after lunar new year holiday. Via the local social media and the blog to let more people know this poll activity.

guidemetothemoon commented 5 months ago

@SamYuan1990 if there are any posts/links that should be re-shared on the TAG's social media accounts, please add them here, in Slack or just tag me directly😊

SamYuan1990 commented 5 months ago

@SamYuan1990 if there are any posts/links that should be re-shared on the TAG's social media accounts, please add them here, in Slack or just tag me directly😊

hi @guidemetothemoon , with help from LF, we had published this github ticket to local social media via

guidemetothemoon commented 4 months ago

Great @SamYuan1990 , thanks for sharing! Will re-share it on the TAG's social accounts as well☺️

leonardpahlke commented 4 months ago

@caradelia i think we scheduled the first Asia friendly meeting right? When was it again, do we have a host? Could you update this issue - thanks!!

leonardpahlke commented 3 months ago

cc @saiyam1814

SamYuan1990 commented 3 months ago

can we safe the calendar into a specific file so that I can import the file locally without access google?

saiyam1814 commented 3 months ago

cc @saiyam1814 @leonardpahlke The maximum votes on the previous Doodle was for 6pm IST/9:30 pm Tokyo time. Should we keep Biweekly alternating on Tuesday's? I am happy to help facilitating this.

leonardpahlke commented 3 months ago

yes, lets go ahead with this time for now. We may adjust after the first meetings depending on the feedback 👍

leonardpahlke commented 3 months ago

can we safe the calendar into a specific file so that I can import the file locally without access google?

hm, good point. We need to make sure folks can access the meetings properly. The good thing about google cal is that you can opt in and subscribe, but you dont have to and can still explore the events. Low barrier tool which gets the job done. But if its restricted in some palced we need to find a work around. I would stick for google cal for now since it does a great job for now and i would like to avoid jumping tools frequently.

Ad-hoc, as a work around - we could share an .ical file with the meeting series (as soon as we have a meeting series setup). Happy to explore other options!