[ ] Create a PR to update the Meetup's table on the website. Example PR.
[ ] Join one of the TAG ENV Sustainability Week Syncs to talk about your event.
[ ] Find a sponsor for the event.
[ ] Find a location for the event.
[ ] Set a date for the event.
[ ] Announce the event.
[ ] Reach out to the Cloud Native Sustainability Week Organizer team to promote the event.
To-Do (During Execution)
[ ] Use the Artworks and Presentation Template. You can use some slides in the template at the begining of the event for introducing the cloud native sustainability week event.
[ ] Distribute the feedback survey to attendees. Use the Survey Blueprint.
[ ] Record the event with photos or video recordings.
To-Do (After Event)
[ ] Share the event records, summary via blog post, recordings to #tag-env-cloud-native-sustainability-week slack channel.
[ ] Share the survey summary from attendees.
[ ] Leave feedbacks/comments (KEEP DOING, MORE OF, START DOING, STOP DOING, LESS OF, IDEAS) about organzing the event in this issue.
[ ] Submit the information of organizers, speakers to issue the credly badges. [to put the submission form here]
Code of Conduct
[x] I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
Two sessions will be presented and the event will be in person.
To-Do (Preparation)
To-Do (During Execution)
To-Do (After Event)
slack channel.Code of Conduct
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