cncf / tag-network

🌐 CNCF Network TAG
Apache License 2.0
69 stars 21 forks source link

Mapping CNCF Landscape one Relationship-at-a-time #39

Open Yashsharma1911 opened 1 month ago

Yashsharma1911 commented 1 month ago

Description: While the OpenAPI specifications for Kubernetes offer a taxonomy, integrating a graph data model with formalized ontologies unlocks a multitude of capabilities. Among these, enabling inferencing necessary for natural language processing stands out as a straightforward application. This, in turn, facilitates the possibility of a human-centric query/response interaction. Importantly, advancing to a knowledge semantic graph from a connected systems' graph data model opens the door to building more sophisticated systems.

-Expected Outcome:

pranav2910 commented 1 month ago

Iam really interested in contributing to this , iam a beginner to open source currently, I hope this contribution help me kickstart my journey in the opensource, I would definitely put my 100percent effort in learning and contributing to it. I believe it's the best practice of learning.

Atharva-Kanherkar commented 1 month ago

@leecalcote , I am interested in contributing to the project listed in the CNCF's mentoring repository. I am eager to get started and would appreciate your guidance on how to begin.

Could you please provide me with information on any preliminary tasks or prerequisites that I should complete before diving into the project? Additionally, any advice on how to best prepare myself for contributing would be greatly appreciated.

Vishalk91-4 commented 1 month ago

@leecalcote, are there any pretest/pretask for applying here