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[Call for Action] O11y TAG Speaker Series for 2024 - Submit your speaker suggestions! #163

Open alolita opened 5 months ago

alolita commented 5 months ago

Dear Observability TAG friends and collaborators,

We are looking for speakers who are Observability technology subject matter experts, maintainers or end-users to invite for our TAG speaker series for this year. Feel free to suggest folks that you would like to hear from and the topics you'd like them to present on.

We've had some awesome speakers in the past who joined in to share their ideas and knowledge about various observability topics. Some of these experts who joined in to share their knowledge include Liz Fong-Jones (OpenTelemetry), Yuri Shkuro (Jaeger and OpenTelemetry), Filip Petrovski (Thanos), Jonah Kowall (Jaeger, OpenSearch) and others.

Look forward to your suggestions and a great lineup of speakers this year!

cc: @halcyondude @vjsamuel @manolama @bwplotka @kenfinnigan

kenfinnigan commented 5 months ago

How about Frederic, or someone else from Polar Signals, to talk about FrostDB their embeddable columnar DB?

alolita commented 5 months ago

Good suggestion @kenfinnigan

It would also be great to have a talk on histogram by @beorn7 on Prometheus histograms and on Prometheus performance improvements by @bboreham

bboreham commented 5 months ago

Hi! I would be happy to speak. What's the process to arrange a timeslot?

alolita commented 5 months ago

That's awesome @bboreham - We'd love to have you join in!

The next O11y TAG meetings are on Feb 6 and Feb 20 from 9-10am PT. Please let me or @halcyondude know if any of those dates work for you. I can ping you on Slack to get more details on your talk.

kenfinnigan commented 4 months ago

Would there be interest from the group in having LeakSignal present/demo their security tool applied to observability? @wesleyhales, the TAG meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month at 9am PT

wesleyhales commented 4 months ago

Hi Everyone! Happy to present how we are bringing sensitive data classification metrics into observability. If interested, I can take a slot on March 19th or first Tuesday in April.

alolita commented 4 months ago

Hi @wesleyhales can you outline what you plan to present? In CNCF group discussions, we encourage talks and presentations on cloud-native, open source implementations for any observability focus area (e.g. security). So please avoid sales pitches or introductions to your company's products or services.

alolita commented 4 months ago

Hi Everyone! Happy to present how we are bringing sensitive data classification metrics into observability. If interested, I can take a slot on March 19th or first Tuesday in April.

April would work better since Kubecon EU is from March 18-22 2024.

beorn7 commented 4 months ago

Sorry for late reply. Happy to contribute something about Prometheus's native histograms, if we can find a suitable format. I have given a number of recorded talks about the topic already, so that I don't see much value in just reproducing content from those talks. Maybe there is demand for a very specific set of topics to do a deep dive on. Or how about an extended Q&A / "ask me anything (about native histograms)"?

wesleyhales commented 4 months ago

Hi @wesleyhales can you outline what you plan to present? In CNCF group discussions, we encourage talks and presentations on cloud-native, open source implementations for any observability focus area (e.g. security). So please avoid sales pitches or introductions to your company's products or services.

Totally understand and my intent is not sales related at all. I'd like to discuss how we've operationalized inline data classification techniques (e.g. regex, rust, native) in service mesh proxies like Envoy. We will be releasing a rust-based Proxy-WASM SDK as open source in the coming days. Also, would like to discuss where these types of data classification metric would land from the observability group's perspective. So really more of a show and tell to receive feedback from the experts here.

brancz commented 4 months ago

How about Frederic, or someone else from Polar Signals, to talk about FrostDB their embeddable columnar DB?

Happy to talk about anything frostdb, Parca, continuous profiling, and of course Prometheus! Thanks for suggesting!

alolita commented 4 months ago

Hi @wesleyhales can you outline what you plan to present? In CNCF group discussions, we encourage talks and presentations on cloud-native, open source implementations for any observability focus area (e.g. security). So please avoid sales pitches or introductions to your company's products or services.

Totally understand and my intent is not sales related at all. I'd like to discuss how we've operationalized inline data classification techniques (e.g. regex, rust, native) in service mesh proxies like Envoy. We will be releasing a rust-based Proxy-WASM SDK as open source in the coming days. Also, would like to discuss where these types of data classification metric would land from the observability group's perspective. So really more of a show and tell to receive feedback from the experts here.

Awesome. Thanks for clarifying @wesleyhales

The next 3 dates to choose when you present at the TAG meeting are: March 5 2024 - Tuesday April 2 2024 - Tuesday April 16 2024 - Tuesday

alolita commented 4 months ago

Sorry for late reply. Happy to contribute something about Prometheus's native histograms, if we can find a suitable format. I have given a number of recorded talks about the topic already, so that I don't see much value in just reproducing content from those talks. Maybe there is demand for a very specific set of topics to do a deep dive on. Or how about an extended Q&A / "ask me anything (about native histograms)"?

Hi @beorn7 Would be great to have you join in for a discussion on all things histograms -

For a discussion, I would still suggest some focus areas that you would like to highlight (for example - what are key improvements that have been made in the past year). So please share on Slack.

The next 3 dates to choose when you could present at the TAG meeting are: March 5 2024 - Tuesday April 2 2024 - Tuesday April 16 2024 - Tuesday

Let me know which date works for you. I am thinking April after Kubecon EU may be more feasible but your call.

alolita commented 4 months ago

How about Frederic, or someone else from Polar Signals, to talk about FrostDB their embeddable columnar DB?

Happy to talk about anything frostdb, Parca, continuous profiling, and of course Prometheus! Thanks for suggesting!

@brancz Would be awesome to hear the latest on Parca, profiling and corelation with other telemetry signals.

April 2 or April 16 still work and May is open too :-)

wesleyhales commented 4 months ago

Awesome. Thanks for clarifying @wesleyhales

The next 3 dates to choose when you present at the TAG meeting are: March 5 2024 - Tuesday April 2 2024 - Tuesday April 16 2024 - Tuesday

Great. I will take the April 16th slot. Thanks again!

beorn7 commented 4 months ago

March 5 or April 2 both work for me. If you plan to discuss many other topics at the last meeting before KubeCon, maybe April 2 is better?

WRT focus areas: I can take "what's new in the last year" for sure, but maybe you can ask the participants (for example on March 5) what topics they would like to know more about, so I can prepare them a bit.

brancz commented 4 months ago

April 2nd and April 16th both work for me as well.

alolita commented 4 months ago

March 5 or April 2 both work for me. If you plan to discuss many other topics at the last meeting before KubeCon, maybe April 2 is better?

Hi @beorn7 April 2 would be great if that works for you :-) Will ping you on Slack to get more details. Thanks again!

alolita commented 4 months ago

April 2nd and April 16th both work for me as well.

Hi @brancz Would March 5 (next week) or May 7 work for you :-)

brancz commented 4 months ago

March 5 no, May 7 yes.

beorn7 commented 4 months ago

@alolita Great. I blocked the time for April 2 (assuming it's 16:00–17:00 UTC). Let's discuss details on CNCF Slack.

brancz commented 2 months ago

Since it's been a while, am I still on for May 7?

alolita commented 1 month ago

Hi @brancz Apologies for the delayed response. Would you be available to present for our next TAG meeting in 2 weeks - May 21st? I'd like to make sure we get the word out for a good turnout for your talk :-) Looking forward to some excellent discussion too!

brancz commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, I can’t that day, but I could do the week after, and the week after that.

alolita commented 1 month ago

Tuesday June 4th then? @brancz

brancz commented 1 month ago

Sounds good!

alolita commented 1 month ago

@brancz are you joining today for your talk in the TAG meeting?

alolita commented 1 month ago

@brancz lets reschedule for June 18 (our next TAG meeting). Look forward to having you present then!