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[Presentation] in-toto presentation (feedback for graduation proposal) #1290

Open SantiagoTorres opened 1 week ago

SantiagoTorres commented 1 week ago

Title: in-toto project update Speakers: @SantiagoTorres @JustinCappos

Description: in-toto is gearing for a graduation review. It's been 2 years since in-toto went up, so it's timely to also update the TAG Security community about the state of the project, its integrations, and overall progress.

Time: 30 minutes (or as much as it's usually required)

Availability: all meeting times should work (or somebody else in the in-toto steering comittee may be able to step in)


mnm678 commented 1 week ago

It looks like July 17 and 24 are both available. Do you have a preference?

SantiagoTorres commented 1 week ago

Not really! Let's do the 17th?

linsun commented 4 days ago

subscribe, will try to join