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⚖️ The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) is the technical governing body of the CNCF Foundation.
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[ARCHIVE] OpenEBS #1250

Closed amye closed 2 months ago

amye commented 7 months ago
edrob999 commented 7 months ago

@amye On the YouTube video of the TOC meeting 2024-01-16 discussing OpenEBS archiving, there was an issue raised about the OpenEBS Trademark, I believe you or Michael were going to contact DataCore. I work for DataCore - and want to make sure we resolve this. Ed

caniszczyk commented 7 months ago

@edrob999 the trademark usage examples here should be easy to follow to correct any issues

edrob999 commented 7 months ago

Thanks @caniszczyk. I reviewed the guidelines. I believe we (or others in the community) can include the term “OpenEBS” as a descriptive part of a commercial product name, following the same pattern where many commercial organizations use the CNCF trademarked word “Kubernetes” as part of their product name. (e.g. Amazon, Azure, Google, IBM etc).

edrob999 commented 7 months ago

@caniszczyk Sometimes it can be better to discuss in person. I'm at KubeCon Paris - we have a DataCore booth in the exhibition hall, if you or anyone else can make time to talk, please come to our booth.

caniszczyk commented 7 months ago

I'm happy to chat at kubecon, reach out over email?

@edrob999 that is not true unless you have a conformance program where the CNCF board has approved the usage of the name in a product, e.g.,

This is done because conformance programs ensure neutrality and have multiple vendors involved.

By default, everyone falls under

Correct: for

Correct: <your product/company name> plug-in for

Correct: compatible with

Correct: for use with

Correct: Quick Start for by

Correct: Day featuring

Correct: Day with

Correct: Day including


Incorrect: by


Incorrect: <your product/company name> –

Incorrect: Quick Start by

Incorrect: Day

Incorrect: Day by

Incorrect: Day brought to you by

edrob999 commented 6 months ago

@caniszczyk: thx, I'll reach out over mail, and set up time to discuss

mrbobbytables commented 2 months ago

All tasks have been completed, going to go ahead and close this out :+1: