cncf / toc

⚖️ The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) is the technical governing body of the CNCF Foundation.
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Reconsider CNCF charter requirements for TOC members and attending meetings #1267

Open craigbox opened 6 months ago

craigbox commented 6 months ago

The CNCF charter 6.f.iii states:

iii. Any TOC member that misses three (3) consecutive meetings shall be automatically suspended from eligibility to vote until having attended two meetings consecutively. For avoidance of doubt, the suspended TOC member shall be eligible to vote in the second consecutive meeting.

This rule dates from the days when TOC meetings were used for TOC voting, and my assumption of its intent was to ensure that meetings regularly had quorum and votes would not be delayed.

My understanding is that all TOC votes now happen electronically.

This rule has been cited in the past as a reason to discourage membership of the TOC from people living in certain locations, as the meetings are (currently and historically) held at 8am Pacific time. It also dissuades those who may expect to take periods of leave, such as new parents, from seeking nomination.

Would the TOC be willing to (a) propose that the Governing Board drop this restriction, and potentially (b) impose such restriction on electronic voting is required to translate the original intention?