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[Incubation] wasmCloud Incubation Application #1338

Open thomastaylor312 opened 3 months ago

thomastaylor312 commented 3 months ago

wasmCloud Incubation Application

Project Repo(s): Project Site: Sub-Projects:


Project points of contacts:

Incubation Criteria Summary for wasmCloud

Adoption Assertion

The project has been adopted by the following organizations in a testing and integration or production capacity:

Application Process Principles




This was done in the TAG meeting above as well as in the Wasm WG of TAG Runtime:

Met during Project's application on 23-05-2024.

Completion of this due diligence document, resolution of concerns raised, and presented for public comment satisifies the Due Diligence Review criteria.

For full documentation, including walkthroughs, architecture, and code samples, see the wasmCloud docs site:

Governance and Maintainers

Note: this section may be augmented by the completion of a Governance Review from TAG Contributor Strategy.


Governance documentation is available at the top level repo:

Our governance docs were based on other incubating and graduated CNCF projects with feedback from multiple community members who are long time CNCF contributors. We have updated the docs as needed to clarify and evolve them

The Governance doc is up to date and additional information on meetings and contribution are available in the README and CONTRIBUTING docs

Our commitment to standards-based development is well documented throughout our project, but in particular can be found here: Everything that runs against WebAssembly standards will run with wasmCloud and vice versa.

Documented in GOVERNANCE

Roles are assigned and removed by org or project maintainers as decisions are made. Because the project is still small enough, all onboarding is done generally in the form of "ride alongs" with existing maintainers. As the project grows, we plan to put more formal procedures around onboarding in place

Defined in our contribution ladder

We have added and removed various project and org maintainers over the years with clear announcements in the project Slack and in our weekly community meetings

There are currently only two active subprojects, both of which are directly related to the main wasmCloud project (which is a monorepo containing several projects). These projects are at the same level of maturity as wasmCloud and are governed by our governance documentation


A full list of all teams and contributors is available on GitHub:

Our teams list and permissions are aligned with our defined roles and are further documented in our CODEOWNERS file

We will adopt the CNCF code of conduct

We don't have this linked yet. Should this be added after we adopt the full code of conduct?

Yes. See the top of this document

Contributors and Community

Note: this section may be augmented by the completion of a Governance Review from TAG Contributor Strategy.


Defined in our contribution ladder document


Available in our README and CONTRIBUTING docs

Both our README and have links to the community Slack

Project communication is done through Slack, GitHub, and our weekly community meeting

Our weekly meeting appears on the CNCF calendar

Available in

Engineering Principles


Our roadmaps are documented both on the website and on GitHub with regular updates and discussions in the community call.

We have a long history of releases, maintaining backwards compatibility and well-documented breaking changes


The main goals and objectives are documented here. For those who want to run Wasm in production for its unique benefits, wasmCloud is only one of a few options available that focuses on general purpose production use cases. Within the CNCF itself, there is only one other Wasm native project, and that is WasmEdge. WasmEdge is a runtime and not a platform (and has different goals). wasmCloud is highly focused on delivering a standards compliant application platform built on the Component Model and most projects in this space are new. A partial list of projects also in the space include Spin, WasmEdge, Nginx, and Wasm Workers Server. Most of these projects focus on FaaS style workloads and HTTP triggered applications. wasmCloud also follows various cloud native patterns such as reconcilation loop based workloads and native integration with existing tools such as Kubernetes and OCI.

Main documentation about what the project does can be found on Below we've added a few additional bullet points that summarize the main points in context of Cloud Native:

Our roadmaps are documented both on the website and on GitHub

See the previous bullet point on viable cloud native use cases for a full overview of design principles and ideas. The Concepts section of our docs (as well as other parts of our docs) contains even more information about how the project works and integrates with other cloud native technologies

Release times/dates are decided by project maintainers and the release process is mostly automated with documentation available


Note: this section may be augmented by a joint-assessment performed by TAG Security.




This is documented in our document.

As previously documented above, our repo uses GitHub teams and CODEOWNERS files to enforce merge and commit privileges. Because the project is on GitHub, 2FA is mandatory and enabled

This is documented in our document.

In October 2023, Trail of Bits completed a full security audit of the wasmCloud project in which we passed with the discovery of only a few minor security issues.

We have achieved this badge, with results available here:





Our public list of adopters can be found here. Some who have spoken about it in public (listed at the top of the document) are currently working on adding themselves to this list

In addition to the adopters listed at the top of the document, we also have at least 2 other non-public adopters using it at large companies. As appropriate, we will update our list as we get permissions from those companies.

Leaving this item unchecked until TOC can verify adopters

Refer to the Adoption portion of this document.

These integrations are documented on

For reference, we either integrate with or build on top of the following projects:

Additional Information

thomastaylor312 commented 3 months ago

This supersedes #1198 as we needed to update to use the new templates and process!

mauilion commented 1 month ago

Hey Folks what is the status of the adoption of the Code of Conduct?

thomastaylor312 commented 1 month ago

@mauilion We're totally good to add it in. My comment under that section was

We don't have this linked yet. Should this be added after we adopt the full code of conduct?

I just wasn't sure if we did this before final approval or if you want us to do it now. As confirmed in the issue, we will adopt the code of conduct, it was just unclear when it was needed. I can go ahead and open a PR now if that will be easier!

thomastaylor312 commented 1 month ago

@mauilion We got all the approvals from org maintainers and have made sure we have officially adopted and linked out to the CNCF code of conduct:

I've marked off the checkbox for that item in the list

mauilion commented 3 weeks ago

I have begun the adopter interview process and am working on the due diligence.