Open racheljfu opened 3 years ago
As we have progressed further into our project, my group has also begun to consider the layout of our website. Similar to your group, we also made rough sketches of a preliminary web design. It was certainly helpful in providing us a jump start in developing our broad ideas for the site. Using Javascript/ XSLT to toggle features is a clever idea that will benefit the overall user experience of your website and something our group could possibly dabble with. I am also interested to see how you go about sorting and filtering your corpus, as you are certainly working with a large quantity of material!
It looks like your project is in a good place. Our group also plans on using sketches to help plan out our general ideas for website development. I like the idea of looking over one another’s markup. This could help pick up any possible errors and maintain some consistency in markup. I’m interested in how you’ll sort your poems, our project text originally came in a set order so it hadn’t occurred to me the possibilities of organizing marked up documents.
Since this meeting took place right after the midterm was due, we talked about our progress with the midterm and agreed for the most part that we are on a good track despite not completely marking up all the poems yet (which will be done by the end of this week). We then planned to fix some minor issues in the near future, such as fixing inconsistencies in our schema (since it was changed recently) with XSLT in the coming week, as well as fixing a small problem with the Relax NG. This weekend, we also plan to look over each other's markup, fine-tune our more ambiguous poems and meet to discuss these changes so everyone will be on the same page (especially with imagery).
We also devoted some time on planning for the website. Charlie discussed how we will upload files to the website as well as make a homepage (index.html), as well as the website sketches that I made which are pretty preliminary. One big thing we want to focus on is how to sort and filter poems on the website, such as sorting and filtering them in the corpus by different factors such as recipient, time period, elision present or not, themes etc. We also discussed using XSLT and Javascript to dim and toggle features, such as dimming out themes if they are not present in a certain time period, or toggling possible variants of elided strings on and off in the reader view of the poems. This coming week, we will continue to think some more about how to complete these tasks, especially since we will start learning XSLT soon.