cnizzardini / cakephp-datatable

CakePHP Component for interoperability between CakePHP 2.x and jQuery DataTables plugin.
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Add columnFilter Plugin feature #19

Closed leocaseiro closed 10 years ago

leocaseiro commented 10 years ago

I'm using in a Project and I'll need to implement the columnFilter plugin.

I tried using as default and didn't work.

I put the JS in my webroot and linked on my Layout and it's still not working.

I'm working on it. I'm studying your algorithm to see when should I put the filters to send from the URL json to the Model.

The Plugin is

I found out there are a new sSearch var for each column sSearch_1, sSearch_2, sSearch_3, etc...

So I need to add on the WHERE QUERY.

cnizzardini commented 10 years ago

Are you getting any errors? Can you provide example code either in here or via pastebin?

leocaseiro commented 10 years ago

I was following the same idea as the Issue #7.

So, I changed the method getWhereConditions() and now it's working. I swapped OR to AND, and also I'm using 'sSearch_'.$x instead of only 'sSearch'.

   foreach($fields as $x => $column){

        // only create conditions on bSearchable fields
        if( isset($this->controller->request->query['bSearchable_'.$x]) && $this->controller->request->query['bSearchable_'.$x] == 'true' && $this->controller->request->query['sSearch_'.$x] != '' ){

            list($table, $field) = explode('.', $column);

            // attempt using definitions in $model->validate to build intelligent conditions
            if( $this->conditionsByValidate == 1 && array_key_exists($column,$this->model->validate) ){

                if( !empty($this->controller->paginate['contain']) ){
                    if(array_key_exists($table, $this->controller->paginate['contain']) && in_array($field, $this->controller->paginate['contain'][$table]['fields'])){
                        $conditions[$table]['conditions'][] = $this->conditionByDataType($column);
                    $conditions['AND'][] = $this->conditionByDataType($column);

                if( !empty($this->controller->paginate['contain']) ){

                    if(array_key_exists($table, $this->controller->paginate['contain']) && in_array($field, $this->controller->paginate['contain'][$table]['fields'])){
                        $conditions[$table]['conditions'][] = $column.' LIKE "%'.$this->controller->request->query['sSearch_'.$x].'%"';
                    $conditions['AND'][] = array(
                        $column.' LIKE' => '%'.$this->controller->request->query['sSearch_'.$x].'%'

However, I'd like to concat the MySQL Query using both filters. Like:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE (field_1 = 'sSearch' OR field_2 = 'sSearch_' ...) AND field_1 = 'sSearch_1' AND field_2 = 'sSearch_2'
leocaseiro commented 10 years ago

I'm begginer on CakePHP, so do you know where can I find it on documentation of ORM? If do you prefer, I can commit for you in my fork and you can see exactly what I've done to the script works...

leocaseiro commented 10 years ago

I've just realized that is so much easier that I was expecting.

I just added my code in your code and it's worked.

Many thanks anyway.

cnizzardini commented 10 years ago

Ok, if it works it works.