cnizzardini / cakephp-datatable

CakePHP Component for interoperability between CakePHP 2.x and jQuery DataTables plugin.
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sSearch with "AND" Functionality #26

Open czigas opened 9 years ago

czigas commented 9 years ago

Hello, I was looking for a way to implement AND functionality with the search box of jquery datatables and I ended up making some changes to the cakephp datatable component.

I just would like to share it.

I altered the ""// check for WHERE statement in GET request "" if BLOCK to:

// check for WHERE statement in GET request
if(isset($httpGet) && !empty($httpGet['sSearch'])){

    // Check for AND terms
    $sSearchTerms = explode(" ", $httpGet['sSearch'] );

    if (count($sSearchTerms)<2){
        $conditions = $this->getWhereConditions($httpGet['sSearch']);

        if( !empty($this->controller->paginate['contain']) ){
            $this->controller->paginate = array_merge_recursive($this->controller->paginate, array('contain'=>$conditions));
            $this->controller->paginate = array_merge_recursive($this->controller->paginate, array('conditions'=>array('AND'=> $conditions )));

        foreach ($sSearchTerms as $sSearchTerm){
            $conditions = $this->getWhereConditions($sSearchTerm);
            $this->controller->paginate = array_merge_recursive($this->controller->paginate, array('conditions'=>array('AND'=> array($conditions))));

    $isFiltered = true;

And altered the getWhereConditions function so that it can set the exploded sSearch term

private function getWhereConditions($sSearchTerm){
        if( $this->mDataProp == false && !isset($this->controller->paginate['fields']) && empty($this->fields) ){
            throw new Exception("Field list is not set. Please set the fields so I know how to build where statement.");
        $conditions = array();

        if($this->mDataProp == true){
                if(!isset($this->controller->request->query['bSearchable_'.$i]) || $this->controller->request->query['bSearchable_'.$i] == true){
                    $fields[] = $this->controller->request->query['mDataProp_'.$i];
        else if(!empty($this->fields) || !empty($this->controller->paginate['fields']) ){
            $fields = !empty($this->fields) ? $this->fields : $this->controller->paginate['fields'];

        foreach($fields as $x => $column){

            // only create conditions on bSearchable fields
            if( $this->controller->request->query['bSearchable_'.$x] == 'true' ){

                if($this->mDataProp == true){
                    $conditions['OR'][] = array(
                        $this->controller->request->query['mDataProp_'.$x].' LIKE' => '%'.$sSearchTerm.'%'

                    list($table, $field) = explode('.', $column);

                    // attempt using definitions in $model->validate to build intelligent conditions
                    if( $this->conditionsByValidate == 1 && array_key_exists($column,$this->model->validate) ){

                        if( !empty($this->controller->paginate['contain']) ){
                            if(array_key_exists($table, $this->controller->paginate['contain']) && in_array($field, $this->controller->paginate['contain'][$table]['fields'])){
                                $conditions[$table]['conditions'][] = $this->conditionByDataType($column);
                            $conditions['OR'][] = $this->conditionByDataType($column);

                        if( !empty($this->controller->paginate['contain']) ){
                            if(array_key_exists($table, $this->controller->paginate['contain']) && in_array($field, $this->controller->paginate['contain'][$table]['fields'])){
                                $conditions[$table]['conditions'][] = $column.' LIKE "%'.$sSearchTerm.'%"';
                            $conditions['OR'][] = array(
                                $column.' LIKE' => '%'.$sSearchTerm.'%'
        return $conditions;

I hope it is of any help.