cnizzardini / cakephp-swagger-bake

Automatically generate OpenAPI, Swagger, and Redoc documentation from your existing CakePHP code.
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OpenApiSchemaProperty support array of objects #545

Open ChrisB85 opened 5 months ago

ChrisB85 commented 5 months ago


I'm reimplementing legacy API using CakePHP 5 and by the way of doing this I also want to document it with SwaggerBake.

Let's say I have controller action like:

#[OpenApiResponse(schemaType: 'array', schema: ArticlesCollectionElement::class)]
public function findArticles()

and the response is:

        "Article": {
            "name": "some name",
            "id": 7204
        "Producer": {
            "name": "Some name",
            "id": 325
        "Language": {
            "symbol": "en",
            "id": 1

I'm using custom schema ArticlesCollectionElement as a OpenApiResponse schema:

#[OpenApiSchema(visibility: OpenApiSchema::VISIBLE_ALWAYS)]
class ArticlesCollectionElement extends DataTransferObject
     * @var ArticleProperties
    #[OpenApiSchemaProperty(name: 'Article', type: 'object')]
    public ArticleProperties $Article;

    ...other properties


So here I would like to use object property of type ArticleProperties:

#[OpenApiSchema(visibility: OpenApiSchema::VISIBLE_ALWAYS)]
class ArticleProperties extends DataTransferObject
    #[OpenApiSchemaProperty(name: 'id', type: 'string', format: 'int32', example: '3214')]
    public string $id;
    #[OpenApiSchemaProperty(name: 'name', type: 'string', example: 'Some name')]
    public string $name;

I think I would need something like:

#[OpenApiSchemaProperty(name: 'Article', type: 'object', ref: ArticleProperties::class)]

The problem is that OpenApiSchemaProperty does not have ref param. Am I missing something or this is just not possible to define object properties like that? Is there any workaround for this?

cnizzardini commented 5 months ago

Am I understanding the main goal is to return a custom array of objects?

cnizzardini commented 5 months ago

I'd have to probably dig into this one for a bit. Off the top of my head your immediate workarounds (if this indeed is not possible) are:

Events: CustomSchemaInterface:

ChrisB85 commented 5 months ago

Am I understanding the main goal is to return a custom array of objects?

Yes exactly. I think it's the only thing missing to get full flexibility in documenting custom code. I'll see if I can do something with Events and CustomSchemaInterface.


cnizzardini commented 5 months ago

@ChrisB85 did this solve your needs?

ChrisB85 commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately not. I tried to use events to modify the Swagger object but at some point I realized that It's just bad (to complicated) solution if I need to document many endpoints that way.

cnizzardini commented 5 months ago

Yeah I agree, I think your use-case is reasonable. I'll note this as a feature request.

cnizzardini commented 5 months ago

I think I've actually had this need in one of my applications, but out of sheer laziness have just left that portion of the schema not documented well.

cnizzardini commented 5 months ago

I'm curious @ChrisB85, if for a more reasonable short-term work around, can you use a mixture of $ref and OpenApiSchemaProperty. Something like this:

OpenAPI Schema:

#[OpenApiSchema(visibility: OpenApiSchema::VISIBLE_ALWAYS)]
class ArticleProperties extends DataTransferObject
    #[OpenApiSchemaProperty(name: 'id', type: 'string', format: 'int32', example: '3214')]
    public string $id;
    #[OpenApiSchemaProperty(name: 'name', type: 'string', example: 'Some name')]
    public string $name;


#[OpenApiResponse(schemaType: 'array' ,ref: '#/components/schemas/ArticlesCollection')]
public function findArticles()
    // controller action code...


                      type: object
                        - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ArticleProperties'
                    type: array

I think something like that may be possible. The idea being, document the object in your DTO, use OpenAPI YAML to document that its part of collection and then reference the YAML ref in your controller action.

ChrisB85 commented 5 months ago

Thank you very much, I will try it :)

ChrisB85 commented 5 months ago

Sorry for a delay, today I finally had some time to use your sugesstion. Unfortunatelly the ArticleProperties schema is not included into swagger.json so I get result like: image I think I need some clever way to include it.

cnizzardini commented 5 months ago

Ah this makes sense, I think its only adding schemas when there is an associated route. You can try adding this attribute and setting visibility, but I am not sure it will work. We are in slightly uncharted territory: