cnjinhao / nana

a modern C++ GUI library
Boost Software License 1.0
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Wondering about the new units (px and em) introduced into develop-1.8 #623

Open besh81 opened 3 years ago

besh81 commented 3 years ago

New units system introduced in develop-1.8 seems to work fine from the point of view of control arrangement inside place's fields. Now what isn't working properly are the controls themselves.

For example, imagine to use an HighDPI screen and the treebox control, while the text is properly scaled the others parts are not:

The same happens with almost all the other controls.

The question is: @cnjinhao would you like to completely support the High DPI screen or leave the lib as it is?

In case you would support High DPI please give us some guidelines so we can help you with this task.

cnjinhao commented 3 years ago

The contents in a widget are not enlarged is a known issue.