cnjinhao / nana

a modern C++ GUI library
Boost Software License 1.0
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messagebox icon doesn't appear when path has unicode characters #630

Open iscsi opened 2 years ago

iscsi commented 2 years ago

The icon doesn't apper when I want to retrieve the icon from an execuatble which has unicode characters in the path. I tried with Windows 10 Pro, english version. I 've put the executable under the d:/α folder, and tried with 32 and 64 bit library. It seems the icon information has been retrieved correctly, so actually it sends the icon information in the native_window_interface.cpp native_interface::window_icon :

::SendMessage(reinterpret_cast(wd), WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, reinterpret_cast(sml_handle));

Called correctly, but the icon not appear on the messagebox. I've tried with local emulator it seems its working with that.