cnlinxi / speech_emotion

Detect emotion from audio
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accuracy rate~ #2

Closed gao-hui closed 5 years ago

gao-hui commented 5 years ago

Could you please talk about the accuracy rate of your model in the Berlin Database of Emotional Speech? and, thanks a lot~

cnlinxi commented 5 years ago

The correct rate on the verification set is 60.87%. You can add more hidden layers and use cross-validation to further improve the accuracy.

gao-hui commented 5 years ago

By the way, there's a tool named opensmile, which could extract audio features conveniently. In its config/emo IS09.conf, there is an approach to get fundamental frequency (F0), voicing probability, frame energy, zero-crossing rate, and 12 Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), which used in the paper you refer. And, thanks again!