cnlohr / nosdk8266

Trying to make ESP8266 projects without a big SDK.
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Clock speed tests #6

Closed mengstr closed 5 months ago

mengstr commented 7 years ago

I ran some performance tests for all the supported clock speeds and they all pretty much have a spot on relative performance compared to a 52MHz base reading. But the 189 MHz sticks out like a sore thumb ;-)

Any idea why?

Mhz Elapsed Theoretical Diff
52 134.61 x x
80 87.50 87.50 0.0
104 67.31 67.31 0.0
115 60.58 60.87 -0.3
160 43.75 43.75 0.0
173 40.38 40.46 -0.1
189 38.15 37.04 1.1
231 30.29 30.30 0.0
320 21.85 21.87 0.0
346 20.19 20.23 0.0
378 18.99 18.52 0.5

The script for testing and the tested code are available in the gist below if anyone is interested...

cnlohr commented 7 years ago

Yep. 1040 MHz/divisor.

~189 MHz is 1040/5.5.