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Feature: <Define standard for running Windows Workloads> #55

Open corbinpa opened 1 month ago

corbinpa commented 1 month ago

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Problem Statement

Organizations must support a wide variety of workloads including Windows based workloads. How are organizations modernizing these workloads leveraging modern cloud native technologies with their developer platform?

Possible Solution

Identify prevailing standard for running Windows Workloads and apply towards the Workloads Tech Radar. Determine or establish a standard across CNOE organizations. Is there a paved path for Windows containers/nodes or leveraging an abstraction like kubevirt? What gaps exist in the technology to support those workloads, ease migrations from legacy infrastructure?

Alternatives Considered

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nimakaviani commented 1 month ago

aren't Windows workloads captured under the compute platform?

The rest of the capabilities are usually fulfilled by technologies that can be ported across. Mostly anything in go should be portable IMO particularly at the higher levels of the stack.

Anything specific in the list of capabilities where a distinction for Windows is required?

corbinpa commented 1 month ago

There are a number of challenges to running windows workloads on EKS/Kubernetes. It may be possible to add Windows based worker nodes to EKS clusters however some customers are exploring virtualization options (ie kubevirt, etc.). It would be good to open a discussion on this topic within the community to see what their position is, if they plan to support Windows based workloads, and how.