Open cnpcshangbo opened 6 years ago
To run the simulation, we need to
Launch the project;
Open the quadrotor model;
Make sure PitchCmd and RollCmd are set to be constant 0;
Log data for ZVel_Meas and ZVel_setpoint with right click;
Run it.
Open Simulation Data Inspector in Simulink.
Check the signals and see the curve.
When running with an IOPID controller, you just need to do those steps above. If you are running with an FOPD controller, you'll get and error saying that some parameters have not been defined. Then you'll need to run a script that has definition of those variables.
The motors haven't get saturated. Motor saturation 4.
I've got the speed loop curve better by increasing speed integrator. My question is whether this will help improve the altitude control performance for both FOPD and IOPID. Before re-tuning the position loop, I'll need to make sure the speed loop is the best and controller output is getting saturated.
Then I increased P in speed controller.
As title.