Open cnpcshangbo opened 6 years ago
Then I put those FOPD parameters into the simulator. assignin('base','wb',1e-3); assignin('base','wh',1e7);
Then I tried to run with my old parameters. assignin('base','wb',1e-10); assignin('base','wh',1e-9);
To do: A. Try to investigate on why high frequency oscillation? B. Research on how to set the frequency range. What is bandwidth of a control system? C. Investigate on what should the speed set-point look like. Why it looks different? D. Search some articles to see if others have the same issue.
Finally, we found the reason. I used Fractional DD block in the simulator, however, it is a continuous block, I need to change it to discrete block.
Please refer to this new issue:
I added a new Edit to enter sampling period(Ts).
Then I added a c2d command to change the transfer function to discrete.
I plan to tune the FOPD controller according to this:
So the cross point is ki0=ki1=0.2238, when lambda = -0.9693 kp=7.9733