cnr-isti-vclab / TagLab

A CNN based image segmentation tool oriented to marine data analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Polygon Area Measurement using straight lines #49

Open Miguel-Figuerola opened 2 years ago

Miguel-Figuerola commented 2 years ago


Is it possible to draw a polygon using straight lines? I need to measure the total area of my orthomosaic to get the cover % of each coral tracing. My orthomosaic map uploads into taglab with a background, giving me a map area which is different to the actual orthomosaic where I am doing the coral planar area measurements. Any suggestions on how to get this area within TagLab?

I tried to get the area of the orthomosaic from Agisoft Metashape Pro by making a polygon shape, setting it as the outer boundaries of the orthomosaic, and using the measurement tool. However, I had to resize the .png file after exporting from Metashape because TagLab only goes up to 32767 pixels and my map was bigger. So I think when resizing the map, the area that Metashape gave me for the orthomosaic is no longer the correct one to get coral cover %.

So in summary TagLab only gives me the orthomosaic+the background area in pixels. Any suggestion on how to measure the area of a polygon using straight lines?

gaiapavoni commented 2 years ago

Dear Miguel, No, at the moment, TagLab doesn't allow you to draw a polygon. But there are a couple of workarounds for your problem.

