cnr-isti-vclab / corto

Mesh compression library, designed for rendering and speed.
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[Encoding color buffer as generic vertex attribute, addColors supports rgb ?] #20

Closed LeoSarog closed 1 year ago

LeoSarog commented 4 years ago

Hello, i am currently trying to encode a 3D mesh. Each vertex has a color per vertex attribute. The color memory layout has three channels. I noticed that the function addColors() supports only rgba format. I noticed there is also the addAttribute() function, but it seems that it does not support the UINT8 type format as seen in vertex_attributes.h file, line 84. Is there any workaround for encoding 3 channel color without padding the rgb to rgba ?

P.S I also noticed that in vertex_attributes.h file, line 93-95, there seems to be a mismatch between the case INT8 and the actual typecast int16_t. Is this normal ?

Thanks in advance from our team, Saroglou Leonidas, Drakoulis Petros @pdrak