cnr-isti-vclab / corto

Mesh compression library, designed for rendering and speed.
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problems to render crt converted with corto.exe from ply #26

Open ua4192 opened 3 years ago

ua4192 commented 3 years ago

Hi. I am strating to use the encoder corto.exe in order to compress some ply files to crt format and sometimes the result is not able to be rendered.

Here a ply which is failing:

Here the conversion process:

C:\>corto -c 8 -o test.crt test.ply
Encoding time: 0ms
Nvert: 182 Nface: 0
Compressed to: 919
Ratio: 42.0788%
Bpv: 40.3956

Header: 78 bpv: 0.428571
Coord bpv; 22.8571
Coord q: 0.0537692 bits: 10

Normal bpv; 10.9451
Normal q: 512 bits: 10

Color bpv; 2.37363
Color q: 1 1 1 1
Face bpv; 5.62637
TOT M verts: 0.000182 in: 0ms, inf MT/s

Here the error when I try to load the coverted mesh:

Uncaught Array for results too small
decompress @ tunstall.js:229
decodeValues @ tunstall.js:140
decode @ attribute.js:64
ColorAttr.decode @ attribute.js:128
decodePointCloud @ cortodecoder.js:118
decode @ cortodecoder.js:104
(anonymous) @ CORTOLoader.js:43
(anonymous) @ three.min.js:755
load (async)
load @ three.min.js:755
load @ CORTOLoader.js:39
(anonymous) @ demo.html:80

Could you please support me with this issue?

Many thanks in advanced.