cnr-isti-vclab / meshlab

The open source mesh processing system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Meshlab crash when loading this .obj file on Ubuntu but not on Windows. #1457

Closed pchaillo closed 8 months ago

pchaillo commented 9 months ago

Meshlab crash when loading this .obj file on Ubuntu but not on Windows : I've tested my file on two different computer with the same version of Ubuntu, and both crash when I tried to load them into Meshlab

OS : Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS and Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (bug happen on both computer). Meshlab version : 2020.09 3D files :

I succeed to load it on Meshlab on a windows computer : beef_03_reconstruct_in_3D It was an old computer, with Windows Vista (I don't have access to the version of Meshlab on that computer now, but I may get the information if needed.

Full error in terminal : Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway. Current Plugins Dir is: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/meshlab/plugins Shader directory found '/usr/share/meshlab/shaders', and it contains 19 gdp files meshlab: ./vcglib/wrap/io_trimesh/import_obj.h:640: static int vcg::tri::io::ImporterOBJ::Open(OpenMeshType&, const char*, vcg::tri::io::ImporterOBJ::Info&) [with OpenMeshType = CMeshO]: Assertion `(numTriangles +numVertices) == numVerticesPlusFaces+extraTriangles' failed. Aborted (core dumped)

I create this .obj file using the pymeshlab API, I may also transmit this code if needed (but as the file may be opened on Windows computer, it's not the cause of the bug).

I hope you have everything you need to understand and reproduce the bug, otherwise tell me what's missing !

Thanks in advance for your help (and for maintaining Meshlab) ;)

jmespadero commented 8 months ago


Just comment that the file is loading correctly in my Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS linux for these versions of Meshlab:

The error seems to be in a sanity check written in vcg::tri::io::ImporterOBJ ( `(numTriangles +numVertices) == numVerticesPlusFaces+extraTriangles' failed) that is not present in newer versions of meshlab.

Is it possible for you to upgrade to a new Meshlab version? It is posible to use .ply file format instead .obj file format?

alemuntoni commented 8 months ago

I can confirm that the version in the official ubuntu repos has this bug when opening objs. I hope that the ubuntu maintaners will update the meshlab apt package for the next 24.04 LTS...