cnr-isti-vclab / nexus

Nexus is a c++/javascript library for creation and visualization of a batched multiresolution mesh
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raycaster for nexus for use with three.js #9

Open foobarbecue opened 7 years ago

foobarbecue commented 7 years ago

I use THREE.Raycaster for mouse picking, but this does not work with nexus because the geometry is not stored the way that three expects.

It would be great if nexus had its own raycaster, or else it was modifed so that three.js raycaster works.

foobarbecue commented 7 years ago

So it looks like 3DHOP (using SpiderGL) does this using an offscreen framebuffer. threejs does it by calculating intersections. I wonder what the easiest way is...

ponchio commented 7 years ago

Bruteforce raycasting in javascript a model with million of triangles is not a good solution.

Luckily, Nexus has a hierarchical structure so that we could solve it with a few bounding sphere intersection and several thousands triangles checking. I will add this feature to the threejs code.

foobarbecue commented 7 years ago

Oh man, this would be so great! Any estimate of how long it will take you? I was kind of wondering if the three,js raycaster was optimized. It checks the bounding sphere of the object but that's the only check I suppose. No wonder my app is slow.

BTW, is there a forum or other place on the internet that would be good for general nexus questions? I have some questions about how nexus with three.js and I realize this isn't the right place for that.

ponchio commented 7 years ago

I already wrote the code for the approximate raycasting using the sphere hierarchy in C++. A few days should be enuogh.

I'm afraid this is the only forum on nexus threejs integration is a very recent progress and not much tested.

Thanks for alpha-testing :)

ponchio commented 7 years ago

I have added a rough raycast implementation. (demoed in raycast.html).

foobarbecue commented 7 years ago

Great! I couldn't find raycast.html, but I was able to implement some code that uses the raycaster, in climbsim.js here:

It worked, but it only gave me one coordinate per mesh. For a given mesh, whenever I used a ray that intersected the mesh anywhere, I got the same coordinate. Is that the expected behavior?

I want to use this as a sort of 3D mouse where you pick a point on the mesh, so it needs to be quite a bit finer.

foobarbecue commented 7 years ago

Hoping to go to sleep tonight and wake up to a raycast.html file that shows an example of using the mouse to paint on a mesh or similar :-)

foobarbecue commented 7 years ago

Threejs has an issue here . also seems very fast. ponchio, can you confirm whether your raycaster is working as intended? It's hard to know with this raycast.html file still missing.

ponchio commented 6 years ago

Hi Aaron, it took me quite a while to get back to this problem, sorry. (and the problem was way messier than it appeared).

I implemented a new version threejs compatible without using hacks. It's here for testing: (it's not in the repository, but you can dowload the included files nexus.js and NEXUSLoader.js)

And here is the raycaster.


It's decently fast (if active only when hovering and not when draggin the mesh).

I tried to use the pickGPU.js but there is a basic problem: the GPUPicker clones the scene! Nexus modifies the scene adding new patches when loaded and GPUPicker wont update!

Maybe GPUPicker could be modified to use the available geometry (just changing the material), but some modification to the threejs renderer would be required...



On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 12:48 AM, Aaron Curtis wrote:

Threejs has an issue here mrdoob/three.js#5691 . also seems very fast. ponchio, can you confirm whether your raycaster is working as intended? It's hard to know with this raycast.html file still missing.

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foobarbecue commented 6 years ago

Hey, I'm super thrilled about this! Really looking forward to trying it out, but I won't be able until about August 9th because I'll be gone on an expedition until then.

foobarbecue commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'm finally getting around to trying this, but I'm confused about how to download it. When I go to , the only download link I can find goes back to the github releases page, where there is the 4.1.6 release but that seems old...

foobarbecue commented 6 years ago

Ah, ok, I just found the threejs branch.

foobarbecue commented 6 years ago

The example at works great! I'm going to try and implement in my code now.

foobarbecue commented 6 years ago

Implemented in , works nicely. Bummer about the work needed for GPUPicker. Maybe I will find time to try and help with that but it sounds tricky.

foobarbecue commented 5 years ago

Closed this by accident because I forgot why the issue was still open.

The reason is that the current raycaster is only good enough to select whole meshes, rather than for selecting triangles on the mesh. Frederico describes the work needed in GPUPicker above.

dmercel commented 5 years ago

Is there any update on this issue? Is it now possible to pick individual triangles on the mesh, or is it still just the entire mesh that gets picked?

DerouineauNicolas commented 4 years ago

I'm also really interested by the most detailled spheres intersection (deepest parts of the DAG if I got it correctly).

From what I see here, the loop is only selecting the first patch in the sink. Is is a huge modification to select only the deepests patches in the DAG ? (which would result I guess in a huge number of spheres position/radius)

DerouineauNicolas commented 4 years ago

I have also another question on the DAG. If the nxs model has N patches and M nodes, does it mean that there is N nodes per patches ?

ponchio commented 4 years ago

Hi Dmercel, I have implemente a ray caster version which uses the mesh. At the moment the lowest resolution mesh, if needed I can add an option to provide a pick on the nodes used at the time of rendering, especially for large models. (will require more RAM, but probably it's not a problem).

Nicolas, the previous implementation was actually using the spheres of the highest resolution level. (unless there was a bug, of course).

The spatial organization of nxs is that each node is further subdivided in patches, it's not a regular structure so the number of patches per node will be different for each node. The spheres are relative to the whole node. Have a look at my Ph.D. thesis if you want more details ( it's simple enough and full of pretty images :)

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 6:28 PM DerouineauNicolas wrote:

I have also another question on the DAG. If the nxs model has N patches and M nodes, does it mean that there is N nodes per patches ?

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DerouineauNicolas commented 4 years ago

Hi Frederico, Thanks for your answer. I tried the latest version of raycast.html, and it seems like there is a display issue (see the screenshot here).

ponchio commented 4 years ago

Nice black screenshot!

I made a mistake fixing a memory leak. Now it's ok.


On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 2:51 PM DerouineauNicolas wrote:

Hi Frederico, Thanks for your answer. I tried the latest version of raycast.html, and it seems like there is a display issue (see the screenshot here

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DerouineauNicolas commented 4 years ago

Awesome ! This works way better 👍

I tried adding some geometries at the intersection point. Most of the time, it works fine, but sometimes it's the hidden side of the geometry (the one opposed to the camera) which is considered the intersection point. Is this inherent to nexus data structure or to the way the raycasting is performed ?

ponchio commented 4 years ago

In the code I check both the front and the back of the mesh (but could add a flag to change this), then pick the closest point, UNLESS the near plane of the raycaster remove the closest point. Or I just made a mistake in computing the closest intersection. I will make some test.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 5:02 PM DerouineauNicolas wrote:

Awesome ! This works way better 👍

I tried adding some geometries at the intersection point. Most of the time, it works fine, but sometimes it's the hidden side of the geometry (the one opposed to the camera) which is considered the intersection point. Is this inherent to nexus data structure or to the way the raycasting is performed ?

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DerouineauNicolas commented 4 years ago

Thanks ! I was wondering, I see that you're using vbo(s) to add the geometries as soon as a node is retrieved. Wouln't it be easier to use the buffergeometries from threejs to store/display them instead ? I guess it would then be possible to use the raycaster directly on the triangles of the geometry

ponchio commented 4 years ago

Right now the raycaster uses the triangles of the geometry the same as the usual meshes, with one caveat: I am using the coarse resolution mesh (which is way faster), but using the hierarchy and at the price of some memory increase the picking resolution. (To be done).

It would be easier to use the buffer geometries, but it would use a lot of memory (right now the geometry only uses GPU memory), would take a lot longer to load the geometries, and raycasting would be extremely slow.

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 9:51 AM DerouineauNicolas wrote:

Thanks ! I was wondering, I see that you're using vbo(s) to add the geometries as soon as a node is retrieved. Wouln't it be easier to use the buffergeometries from threejs to store/display them instead ? I guess it would then be possible to use the raycaster directly on the triangles of the geometry

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DerouineauNicolas commented 4 years ago

If I got it correctly, to increase the picking resolution, one should use the legacy code left here, and replace the sphere intersection with triangles, right ? Is it possible to retrieve individual mesh triangles from nexus context structure ?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding, BufferGeometry is actually a wrapper to a indexed/non indexed VBO (which is using only GPU memory).

ponchio commented 4 years ago

Actually the BufferGeometry keeps the original buffers also in RAM memory, (otherwise how could intersect triangles?). The current implementation of nexus actually delete the buffers once passed to the GPU, except for the most coarse resolution. I could, adding a flag, or a parameter, keep in memory also higher resolution and as you suggest, use the sphere hierarchy to select which nodes must be searched.

I might try to use the BufferGeometry and (apart from RAM usage) see if simplifies a few problems (shadows, for example), but it requires an extensive rewriting of nexus.js

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 11:43 AM DerouineauNicolas wrote:

If I got it correctly, to increase the picking resolution, one should be use the legacy code left here, and replace the sphere intersection with triangles, right ? Is it possible to retrieve individual mesh triangles from nexus context structure ?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding, BufferGeometry is actually a wrapper to a indexed/non indexed VBO (which is using only GPU memory).

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jfeick commented 3 years ago

As far as I understand, the current implementation of the threeES6 branch only allows raycasting for the coarsest level ( ). Would it be possible to adapt the fine level raycasting approach from the master branch to this implementation to provide raycasting results for the finest level, or at least for the currently visible/cached level?

ponchio commented 3 years ago

For this approach is that we would have to keep in memory (basically duplicated) all of the geometry of the model, and raycasting would prove more expensive (as the ray might intersect more than one patch on the current level). If the price reveals not too high, it would be possible. I will implement it as an option, with the interface something like nexusmodel.accurateRaycasting = true.

Raycasting might be more efficient using the 'picking' approach were only a small 3x3 buffer is rendered, frustum culling would take care of most of the geometry, but I have found little support for it in threejs.