cnti-testcatalog / testsuite

📞📱☎️📡🌐 Cloud Native Telecom Initiative (CNTI) Test Catalog is a tool to check for and provide feedback on the use of K8s + cloud native best practices in networking applications and platforms
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Option to run Cert command for only Essential Tests #1997

Closed Smitholi67 closed 3 weeks ago

Smitholi67 commented 2 months ago

At present, the CNTi Test Suite cert command executes all tests (Essential, Normal, and Bonus).

A feature (or parameter) that allowed an end user to specify the execution of Essential tests only would be valuable. For example, an end user may be running the CNTi Test Suite in a CI/CD pipeline. They may want to regularly execute the Essential tests to ensure continual conformance with Essentials. At present, running Cert in the pipeline causes all tests to execute which consumes resources and takes time.

While there are workarounds, excluding tests one by one, this is not optimal.

martin-mat commented 2 months ago

workaround command for cert tests, for current state of tests, including certification criteria, result output etc.:

cnf-testsuite cert ~helm_chart_valid ~helm_chart_published ~helm_deploy ~cni_compatible ~rollback ~nodeport_not_used ~secrets_used ~immutable_configmap ~require_labels ~reasonable_image_size ~reasonable_startup_time ~service_discovery ~shared_database ~pod_network_latency ~pod_network_corruption ~disk_fill ~pod_delete ~pod_memory_hog ~pod_io_stress ~pod_network_duplication ~no_local_volume_configuration ~elastic_volumes ~nodeport_not_used ~secrets_used ~immutable_configmap ~require_labels ~default_namespace ~operator_installed ~prometheus_traffic ~open_metrics ~routed_logs ~tracing ~symlink_file_system ~privilege_escalation ~insecure_capabilities ~linux_hardening ~ingress_egress_blocked ~host_pid_ipc_privileges ~immutable_file_systems ~external_ips ~sysctls ~host_network ~service_account_mapping ~application_credentials

Can be useful when fine tuning certification on apps.

kosstennbl commented 2 months ago

Working on it (can't assign myself)

agentpoyo commented 2 months ago
agentpoyo commented 2 months ago


kosstennbl commented 2 months ago

Seems that issue can be resolved,