cnumr / ecoindex_python_fullstack

Refactoring of ecoindex in one monorepo using polylith pattern
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[Bug]: Mismatch with nodes_count #81

Open arichard-info opened 4 weeks ago

arichard-info commented 4 weeks ago

What happened?

I think there is a mismatch with the nodes count metric and I can't find why.

When analyzing on, I have ~3500 elements. That sounds like a lot, and I can't reach that count when I compare them on my own.

For example, if I try to count all the elements from the console, I only get 790 nodes (~1700 if I scroll down) :


I understand that the official script uses playwright :

So I created a very basic playwright script that counts the elements of a page :

test('test', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('');
  const elements = await page.locator("*").all();
  await expect(elements.length).toBeLessThan(100);

I'm using exactly the same syntax as the ecoindex script

Result :

    Expected: < 100
    Received:   792

I don't understand why I'm so far away from the results. And in both cases I don't subtract the svg elements

Am I missing something or is there a problem with the playwright used by


Ecoindex Scraper

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vvatelot commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @arichard-info to be more precise, here is the scenario played by ecoindex:

Have you tried to run the complete scenario ?

arichard-info commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @vvatelot, thank you for the answer. Yes it's the same scenario I played.

By the way, the official scenario can't run in full on the site I gave as an example, nor on many other sites because of the cookie banners that often block scrolling until they've been accepted or declined.

In the case of my scenario, I add a step with playwright to accept third-party cookies in the banner. This way I can execute the rest of the scenario: scroll down and wait three seconds. So I'd expect more nodes than via the site. But as I've explained, I'm far from it.

I can't explain why I'm getting so many nodes on the homepage of the site I gave as an example (

Whether using a playwright or pupeteer scenario, or even manually in the browser, I always get a much lower number of nodes than that returned by

vvatelot commented 3 weeks ago

I made tests with headless mode activated and deactivated.

Mode Node count
Headless ~3500
Headfull ~700

By default, ecoindex is running in headless mode. I don't know if I can make it work in headfull mode in a container...

But, in the end, I don't know why kiabi websites has such a difference. I exported the 2 har files if you want to investigate further: