I would like to see an option added to hide the creation time of tab lists. Maybe it looks better in Chinese with kanji symbols, but in my personal opinion, it looks ugly in English at least. I dislike it because the text string is very long which pushes tab list titles far to the right - presumably the text length also changes with different months, which would also make tab list titles not line up.
I think a simple toggle option like "Show creation time of tab lists [Off / On]" would be easy to implement and would be very useful.
Alternatively, an even more powerful option could be if we could specify a custom date/time formatting string, to use instead of the default ddd, MMMM Do ${withYear ? 'YYYY' : ''}, kk:mm:ss This would allow users to set it to whatever they want, or make it blank to hide the creation time entirely. Perhaps this wouldn't be very user friendly though?
Hello. Thanks for creating this extension.
I would like to see an option added to hide the creation time of tab lists. Maybe it looks better in Chinese with kanji symbols, but in my personal opinion, it looks ugly in English at least. I dislike it because the text string is very long which pushes tab list titles far to the right - presumably the text length also changes with different months, which would also make tab list titles not line up.
I think a simple toggle option like "Show creation time of tab lists [Off / On]" would be easy to implement and would be very useful.
Alternatively, an even more powerful option could be if we could specify a custom date/time formatting string, to use instead of the default
ddd, MMMM Do ${withYear ? 'YYYY' : ''}, kk:mm:ss
This would allow users to set it to whatever they want, or make it blank to hide the creation time entirely. Perhaps this wouldn't be very user friendly though?