co-analysis / a11ytables

R package: generate best-practice stats spreadsheets for publication
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Number of tables as word rather than integer #109

Closed jonathonmellor closed 6 months ago

jonathonmellor commented 7 months ago

This package is amazing and has gotten me out of a very tight spot (rapid turn around deadline for an new OS).

Would it be possible to change the convention for "This worksheet contains 1 table" to "This worksheet contains one table". We have had feedback from our content designer.

Perhaps using something form here?

From the AF guidance:

the example is: "Cell A2 should describe the number of tables on the sheet and how they are presented, for example ‘This worksheet contains eight tables presented next to each other horizontally with one blank column in between each table. Each table applies to a different age group’."

Thanks again for making this fantastic package.

matt-dray commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your kind words and for pointing this out!

{a11ytables} should conform to the 'releasing statistics in spreadsheets' guidance in the first instance, so I agree that text should be used in this case.

I think I had defaulted previously to my (perhaps faulty) knowledge of the GOV.UK Style Guide, which talks about using numerals when referring to values under 10.

jonathonmellor commented 7 months ago

Amazing, thank you!