co-analysis / a11ytables

R package: generate best-practice stats spreadsheets for publication
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Create new demo dataframe #120

Closed matt-dray closed 5 months ago

matt-dray commented 6 months ago

The demo dataset mtcars_df—and, by extension, mtcars_df2—is now out of date. It's missing the custom_rows column to be introduced in v0.3.


  1. mtcars_df3, which would have all the content required to demonstrate the features of v0.3.
  2. Create a new demo dataset with completely made up data.

I began with option 1 in v0.3, but I think option 2 may be better. I think it'll be better for the documentation, since I can more easily make stuff up for demo purposes.

It might also be less confusing to use completely made up data and move away from mtcars in vignettes and the RStudio Addin. Currently there's some steps that prepare mtcars to be provided to the tables argument of create_a11ytables(), which may be mildly confusing for users.