co-analysis / a11ytables

R package: generate best-practice stats spreadsheets for publication
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Installation might require some extra packages? #99

Closed jtrim-ons closed 12 months ago

jtrim-ons commented 12 months ago

I'm not super-experienced with R package installation, but just sharing my experience in case it's helpful. I tried installing a11ytables yesterday on a machine that didn't have things like tibble and knitr installed, and it was failing with error messages.

When I installed tidyverse and retried, everything was fine.

It's probably a bit of a non-issue (pretty much everyone has tidyverse installed?) or maybe something weird with my R setup, but I thought I'd mention it just in case it's helpful. Feel free to close.

matt-dray commented 12 months ago

Well spotted! Basically, {a11ytables} only depends on two packages: {pillar} and {openxlsx}. these are both installed when running remotes::install_github("a11ytables", build_vignettes = TRUE), as instructed in the README.

However, you also need some extra packages when building the vignettes (e.g. one of the vignettes requires the {tibble} package). As a result, I've changed the README instruction to include the argument dependencies = TRUE in install_github(). This installs the required packages {pillar} and {openxlsx} plus the packages listed under 'Suggests' in the DESCRIPTION file.

Other users may not have seen your error because, as you say, they already had these 'Suggested' packages installed on their machines. This is a good lesson for me about testing package installation on a clean system! Cheers.

jtrim-ons commented 11 months ago

Thank you!