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Migration path for pychecker users #60

Open jayvdb opened 7 years ago

jayvdb commented 7 years ago

PyChecker is an old Python checker, supporting up to Python 2.7. Despite other more dominate checkers, there are many users, as it has some checks which do not appear elsewhere.

Quickly annotating its feature list with existing tools that do this:

It has an old pypi page, for 0.8.12, but it isnt easily installable.

$ pip2 install pychecker --upgrade
Collecting pychecker
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pychecker (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for pychecker

$ sudo pip3 install pychecker
Collecting pychecker
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pychecker (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for pychecker

Fedora packages 0.8.19.

$ dnf info pychecker
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'zyga-snapcore', disabling.
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'spot-chromium', disabling.
Last metadata expiration check: 1:02:06 ago on Wed Dec 14 11:33:18 2016.
Installed Packages
Name        : pychecker
Arch        : noarch
Epoch       : 0
Version     : 0.8.19
Release     : 11.fc25
Size        : 662 k
Repo        : @System
From repo   : fedora
Summary     : A python source code checking tool
URL         :
License     : BSD
Description : PyChecker is a python source code checking tool to help you find
            : common bugs. It is meant to find problems that are typically caught by
            : a compiler.

So does Ubuntu since precise.

Many of the basic features will be in pyflakes and pylint, so we already have those features available, but we need to check that the bear exposes the functionality properly. Others will need native bears.